- Can't specify Valueset (Terminology) value in TDTDPR-17
- Allow to set DV_CODED_TEXT to a DV_TEXT nodeTDPR-5Heath Frankel
- Missing datatype namesTDPR-4Heath Frankel
- Allow to set occurrence 0..0 to slotsTDPR-3Peter Gummer
- TD seems to export OPTs with BOM that migth break some parsersTDPR-2Heath Frankel
- OET namespaceTDPR-1Resolved issue: TDPR-1Heath Frankel
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I have a DV_TEXT node, and the options for that text include Valueset (Terminology). I need to set LOINC there, which I do. Then when saving the OET, there is no "LOINC" value anywhere and there is no constraint referencing "Valueset", so that is being ignored when saving the OET.
When generating the OPT, that constraint doesn't end up in the OPT, and instead of a DV_CODED_TEXT, I get the same DV_TEXT that is defined in the archetype, which is wrong.
Expected: Setting a terminology constraint on a DV_TEXT node should mark that as DV_CODED_TEXT, since DV_TEXT doesn't have an associated terminology.