- Add Chinese translation of the openehr_terminology.xmlSPECTERM-34Resolved issue: SPECTERM-34Sebastian Iancu
- Add UCUM unit [drp] (drop) to the volume propertiesSPECTERM-33Resolved issue: SPECTERM-33Sebastian Iancu
- Extending the Term Mapping Purpose setSPECTERM-31Sebastian Iancu
- Add codes for RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION.lifecycle_stateSPECTERM-30Resolved issue: SPECTERM-30Sebastian Iancu
- Added ml/m2 and l/min/m2 to units to PropertyUnitData.xmlSPECTERM-28Resolved issue: SPECTERM-28Sebastian Iancu
- Added J/cm2, hPa, kgf/m² and other fixing other errorsSPECTERM-27Resolved issue: SPECTERM-27Sebastian Iancu
- Add support for missing DICOM media typesSPECTERM-26Resolved issue: SPECTERM-26Sebastian Iancu
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