archetype (adl_version=1.4) openEHR-EHR-ACTION.test_constraint_ref.v1 concept [at0000] -- Test constraint ref language original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> description original_author = < ["name"] = <""> > details = < ["en"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> purpose = <"test_constraint_ref"> use = <"test_constraint_ref"> misuse = <""> copyright = <""> > > lifecycle_state = <"0"> other_contributors = <> other_details = < ["MD5-CAM-1.0.1"] = <"D27C564015BBFEB608BB1E676CFCC0B5"> > definition ACTION[at0000] matches { -- Test constraint ref description matches { ITEM_TREE[at0001] matches { -- Arbol items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[at0003] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Coded Text Constraint Ref value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT matches { defining_code matches {[ac0001]} -- Constraint definition } } } ELEMENT[at0004] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Coded Text Constraint Ref with binding value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT matches { defining_code matches {[ac0002]} -- Another constraint ref } } } } } } } ontology terminologies_available = <"CCPSS99", ...> term_definitions = < ["en"] = < items = < ["at0000"] = < text = <"Test constraint ref"> description = <"unknown"> > ["at0001"] = < text = <"Arbol"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["at0003"] = < text = <"Coded Text Constraint Ref"> description = <"*"> > ["at0004"] = < text = <"Coded Text Constraint Ref with binding"> description = <"*"> > > > > constraint_definitions = < ["en"] = < items = < ["ac0001"] = < text = <"Constraint definition"> description = <"Constraint description"> > ["ac0002"] = < text = <"Another constraint ref"> description = <"Another description"> > > > > constraint_bindings = < ["CCPSS99"] = < items = < ["ac0002"] = > > >