archetype (adl_version=1.5.1; generated) openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.audiogram.v1.0.0 language original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> description original_author = < ["name"] = <"Heather Leslie"> ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics"> ["email"] = <""> ["date"] = <"2012-10-10"> > details = < ["en"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> purpose = <"To record measurements of hearing acuity using an audiometer and their interpretation by a clinician."> use = <"Use to record measurements and related findings of hearing acuity for one ear at a time or both ears simultaneously. Use to record the interpretation of all measurements of hearing acuity for each ear or both ears if tested simultaneously, and an overall interpretation (or audiological diagnosis). This archetype has been designed to capture hearing threshold measurements for the following tests: - Pure Tone Audiometry; - Play Audiometry; - Auditory Brainstem Response, for threshold determination only; and - Visual Reinforcement Orientation Audiometry. All of the data elements are recorded using a single method or protocol. If, during the test, any of the protocol parameters need to be modified, then the subsequent part of the test will need to be recorded within a separate instance of the test data, using the updated protocol parameters."> keywords = <"hearing", "test", "audiogram", "audiometry", "acuity", "threshold", "decibels"> misuse = <"Not to be used to record other hearing tests. Use other archetypes as appropriate, for example OBSERVATION.tympanogram. Other audiology tests which capture different results will need to be recorded in separate archetypes, such as: - Behavioural Observation Audiometry (BOA); - Most Comfortable Listening Level (MCL) and Uncomfortable Listening Level (UCL); and - Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) for diagnostic purposes."> copyright = <"© openEHR Foundation"> > > lifecycle_state = <"unmanaged"> other_contributors = <"Anthony Leech, Hearing Health, Australia", "Stephen Chu, NEHTA, Australia", "Kathy Currie, Program Leader,NT Hearing Health Program, Australia", "Jade Frederiksen, Hearing Health Program, DoH, Australia", "Sam Heard, Ocean Informatics, Australia", "Paul Hickey, Hearing Health Program, Australia", "Oliver Hosking, Remote Health NT, Australia", "Kerrie Lee, Ngaanyatjarra Health Service, Australia (Editor)", "Heather Leslie, Ocean Informatics, Australia (Editor)", "Mark Ramjan, NT Department of Health, Australia", "Fiona Wake, RAHC, Australia"> other_details = < ["current_contact"] = <"Kerrie Lee, Australia"> ["references"] = <"Audiogram Result, draft archetype, National eHealth Transition Authority [Internet]. NEHTA Clinical Knowledge Manager. Authored: 10 Oct 2012. Available at: (accessed Nov 1416, 2012). Sabini P, Sclafani AP. Efficacy of serologic testing in asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 Apr;122(4):469-76. PubMed PMID: 10740163."> ["MD5-CAM-1.0.1"] = <"6DDC246E7DEA7CC301A982FB0EF24AA3"> > definition OBSERVATION[id1] matches { -- Audiogram Result data matches { HISTORY[id2] matches { events cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches { POINT_EVENT[id3] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Any event data matches { ITEM_TREE[id4] matches { items cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[id38] matches { -- Test Result Name value matches { DV_TEXT[id153] } } CLUSTER[id7] occurrences matches {0..3} matches { -- Test items cardinality matches {2..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[id8] matches { -- Test Ear value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id154] matches { defining_code matches {[ac1]} -- Test Ear } } } CLUSTER[id49] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Measurement items cardinality matches {2; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[id12] matches { -- Frequency value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id155] matches { property matches {[at135]} [magnitude, units, precision] matches { [{|125.0..16000.0|}, {"Hz"}, {0}], [{|0.125..16.0|}, {"kHz"}, {3}] } } } } ELEMENT[id13] matches { -- Threshold Level value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id156] matches { property matches {[at136]} magnitude matches {|-10.0..120.0|} } } } } } ELEMENT[id123] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- No Test Result value matches { DV_BOOLEAN[id157] matches { value matches {True} } } } ELEMENT[id124] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reason for No Test Result value matches { DV_TEXT[id158] } } ELEMENT[id52] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Screening Assessment value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id159] matches { defining_code matches {[ac2]} -- Screening Assessment } } } CLUSTER[id56] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Hearing Threshold Interpretation items matches { ELEMENT[id57] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Pure Tone Average value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id160] matches { property matches {[at137]} magnitude matches {|-10.0..120.0|} } } } ELEMENT[id66] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Type of Loss value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id161] matches { defining_code matches {[ac3]} -- Type of Loss } } } ELEMENT[id71] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Clinical Interpretation value matches { DV_TEXT[id162] } } ELEMENT[id127] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Articulation Index value matches { DV_PROPORTION[id163] matches { numerator matches {|0.0..1.0|; 0.0} is_integral matches {False} type matches {1} } } } } } } } ELEMENT[id72] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Symmetry of Loss value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id164] matches { defining_code matches {[ac4]} -- Symmetry of Loss } } } ELEMENT[id132] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Laterality of Loss value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id165] matches { defining_code matches {[ac5]} -- Laterality of Loss } } } ELEMENT[id122] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Overall Interpretation value matches { DV_TEXT[id166] } } ELEMENT[id27] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Test Result Image value matches { DV_MULTIMEDIA[id167] matches { media_type matches {[ac6]} -- Test Result Image } } } ELEMENT[id28] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Comment value matches { DV_TEXT[id168] } } } } } state matches { ITEM_TREE[id14] matches { items matches { ELEMENT[id29] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Aided value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id169] matches { defining_code matches {[ac7]} -- Aided } } } ELEMENT[id75] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Pre-test Conditions value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id170] matches { defining_code matches {[ac8]} -- Pre-test Conditions } } } } } } } } } } protocol matches { ITEM_TREE[id33] matches { items matches { ELEMENT[id15] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Masking value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id171] matches { defining_code matches {[ac9]} -- Masking } } } CLUSTER[id109] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Presentation items matches { ELEMENT[id110] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Air Conduction value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id172] matches { defining_code matches {[ac10]} -- Air Conduction } } } ELEMENT[id114] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Bone Conduction value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id173] matches { defining_code matches {[ac11]} -- Bone Conduction } } } } } ELEMENT[id76] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Test Environment value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id174] matches { defining_code matches {[ac12]} -- Test Environment } } } ELEMENT[id35] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Test Stimulus value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id175] matches { defining_code matches {[ac13]} -- Test Stimulus } } } CLUSTER[id86] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Click Stimulus Specification items matches { ELEMENT[id87] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Onset Ramp value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id176] matches { property matches {[at138]} units matches {"millisec"} } } } ELEMENT[id88] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Offset Ramp value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id177] matches { property matches {[at139]} units matches {"millisec"} } } } ELEMENT[id89] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Total Duration value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id178] matches { property matches {[at140]} units matches {"millisec"} } } } } } CLUSTER[id94] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Threshold Determination Protocol items matches { ELEMENT[id128] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Threshold Definition value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id179] matches { defining_code matches {[ac14]} -- Threshold Definition } } } ELEMENT[id95] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Step Size value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id180] matches { defining_code matches {[ac15]} -- Step Size } } } ELEMENT[id100] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Direction value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id181] matches { defining_code matches {[ac16]} -- Direction } } } } } allow_archetype CLUSTER[id48] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Audiometer include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.device(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1/} } allow_archetype CLUSTER[id117] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { -- Earphones include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.device(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1/} } ELEMENT[id135] occurrences matches {0..2} matches { -- Reliability value matches { DV_TEXT[id182] } } ELEMENT[id120] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Test Modifications Required value matches { DV_TEXT[id183] } } ELEMENT[id90] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Calibration Reference dB value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id184] matches { defining_code matches {[ac17]} -- Calibration Reference dB } } } ELEMENT[id62] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Criteria for Pure Tone Average value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id151] matches { -- Coded term defining_code matches {[ac18]} -- Coded term } DV_TEXT[id152] -- Free text term } } CLUSTER[id103] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Screening Assessment Pass Criteria items matches { ELEMENT[id104] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Stimulus Type value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id185] matches { defining_code matches {[ac19]} -- Stimulus Type } } } ELEMENT[id107] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Stimulus Level value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id186] matches { property matches {[at141]} magnitude matches {|-10.0..120.0|} } } } ELEMENT[id108] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Stimulus Frequency value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id187] matches { property matches {[at142]} [magnitude, units, precision] matches { [{|0.125..16.0|}, {"kHz"}, {3}], [{|125.0..16000.0|}, {"Hz"}, {0}] } } } } } } ELEMENT[id121] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Comment value matches { DV_TEXT[id188] } } } } } } terminology term_definitions = < ["en"] = < ["id1"] = < text = <"Audiogram Result"> description = <"Record of measurements of hearing acuity using an audiometer and their clinical interpretation."> > ["id3"] = < text = <"Any event"> description = <"Any unspecified point in time or interval event."> > ["id7"] = < text = <"Test"> description = <"The audiometry test result which can be recorded per ear or for both ears simultaneously."> > ["id8"] = < text = <"Test Ear"> description = <"Identification of the ear being tested."> > ["at9"] = < text = <"Left Ear"> description = <"The left ear was tested in isolation."> > ["at10"] = < text = <"Right Ear"> description = <"The right ear was tested in isolation."> > ["id12"] = < text = <"Frequency"> description = <"The stimulus frequency tested."> > ["id13"] = < text = <"Threshold Level"> description = <"The stimulus intensity at threshold for the test frequency."> > ["id15"] = < text = <"Masking"> description = <"Presentation of a frequency masking stimulus to the non-test ear to more accurately determine hearing thresholds in the test ear."> > ["at22"] = < text = <"Masked for bone conduction"> description = <"Masking for bone conduction was applied to the non-test ear."> > ["at23"] = < text = <"Unmasked"> description = <"No masking was used during the test."> > ["id27"] = < text = <"Test Result Image"> description = <"Digital representation of the entire result."> > ["id28"] = < text = <"Comment"> description = <"Additional narrative about the test results and intepretation not captured in other fields."> > ["id29"] = < text = <"Aided"> description = <"The test has been conducted with the patient using a form of auditory assistance, such as a hearing aid or cochlear implant."> > ["at30"] = < text = <"Aided"> description = <"The test has been conducted with the patient using a form of auditory assistance, such as a hearing aid or cochlear implant."> > ["at31"] = < text = <"Unaided"> description = <"The test has been conducted without the patient using any form of auditory assistance, such as a hearing aid or cochlear implant."> > ["id35"] = < text = <"Test Stimulus"> description = <"Identification of the frequency-specific stimulus used in measuring the hearing threshold."> > ["at36"] = < text = <"Tone burst"> description = <"The test stimulus is a tone burst."> > ["at37"] = < text = <"Click"> description = <"The test stimulus is a click."> > ["id38"] = < text = <"Test Result Name"> description = <"Identification of the Audiometry test performed."> > ["id48"] = < text = <"Audiometer"> description = <"Details of audiometer used to conduct the test."> > ["id49"] = < text = <"Measurement"> description = <"The measured frequency/threshold level pair."> > ["at50"] = < text = <"Binaural"> description = <"Both ears were tested simultaneously in the soundfield."> > ["id52"] = < text = <"Screening Assessment"> description = <"Interpretation of a series of audiometric measurements, for purposes of screening assessment."> > ["at53"] = < text = <"Pass"> description = <"The test was passed, based on screening criteria."> > ["at54"] = < text = <"Fail"> description = <"The test was failed, based on screening criteria."> > ["id56"] = < text = <"Hearing Threshold Interpretation"> description = <"Interpretation of a series of audiometric measurements for purposes of hearing threshold assessment."> > ["id57"] = < text = <"Pure Tone Average"> description = <"The average pure tone threshold according to the specified averaging criteria."> > ["id62"] = < text = <"Criteria for Pure Tone Average"> description = <"The criteria on which the Pure Tone Average is calculated. The average is based on air conduction thresholds and masked thresholds replace unmasked thresholds when applying the formula."> > ["at63"] = < text = <"3 frequency average"> description = <"The pure tone hearing threshold is calculated using 0.5, 1 and 2 kHz."> > ["at64"] = < text = <"4 frequency average"> description = <"The pure tone hearing threshold is calculated using 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz."> > ["id66"] = < text = <"Type of Loss"> description = <"Identified type of hearing loss for the test ear, based on all measurements."> > ["at67"] = < text = <"Mixed"> description = <"Hearing loss that is caused by a combination of conductive problems in the the outer and/or middle ear plus sensorineural problems in the cochlear and/or auditory nerve."> > ["at68"] = < text = <"Sensorineural"> description = <"Hearing loss that is caused by damage to, or malfunction of, the cochlea or auditory nerve."> > ["at69"] = < text = <"Conductive"> description = <"Hearing loss caused by blockage or damage in the outer and/or middle ear."> > ["at70"] = < text = <"Indeterminate"> description = <"It is not possible to determine the exact type of hearing loss."> > ["id71"] = < text = <"Clinical Interpretation"> description = <"Clinical interpretation of all measurements for the test ear."> > ["id72"] = < text = <"Symmetry of Loss"> description = <"An interpretation about the symmetry of hearing loss, based on all hearing acuity measurements for both ears."> > ["at73"] = < text = <"Symmetrical"> description = <"The hearing loss is symmetrical."> > ["at74"] = < text = <"Asymmetrical"> description = <"The hearing loss is assymmetrical."> > ["id75"] = < text = <"Pre-test Conditions"> description = <"Identification of whether the subject was exposed to a quiet environment for a specified period prior to testing."> > ["id76"] = < text = <"Test Environment"> description = <"The space and conditions in which the audiometric test is administered."> > ["at77"] = < text = <"Audiometric booth"> description = <"Sound-treated room designed to attenuate nominal outside noise."> > ["at78"] = < text = <"Minimal background noise"> description = <"Non sound-treated room with minimal background noise."> > ["at79"] = < text = <"Moderate background noise"> description = <"Non sound-treated room with moderate background noise."> > ["at80"] = < text = <"High background noise"> description = <"Non sound-treated room with high background noise."> > ["at81"] = < text = <"Modulated tone"> description = <"The test stimulus is a frequency modulated tone, commonly known as a 'warble' tone."> > ["at82"] = < text = <"Pure Tone"> description = <"The test stimulus is a pure tone."> > ["id86"] = < text = <"Click Stimulus Specification"> description = <"Identification of parameters specifying a click stimulus."> > ["id87"] = < text = <"Onset Ramp"> description = <"Time over which the stimulus grows to full amplitude."> > ["id88"] = < text = <"Offset Ramp"> description = <"Time over which the stimulus depletes to zero amplitude."> > ["id89"] = < text = <"Total Duration"> description = <"Total duration of the click stimulus."> > ["id90"] = < text = <"Calibration Reference dB"> description = <"Scale used for acoustic calibration check."> > ["at91"] = < text = <"db SPL"> description = <"The sound pressure level scale was used."> > ["at92"] = < text = <"dB HL"> description = <"The hearing level scale was used."> > ["at93"] = < text = <"dB nHL"> description = <"The normal hearing level scale was used."> > ["id94"] = < text = <"Threshold Determination Protocol"> description = <"Protocol used to measure the hearing threshold for pure tone, play and visual reinforcement orientation audiometry only."> > ["id95"] = < text = <"Step Size"> description = <"The step size (in decibels) of the change in the stimulus intensity."> > ["at96"] = < text = <"1 dB"> description = <"Step size of one decibel."> > ["at97"] = < text = <"5 dB"> description = <"Step size of five decibels."> > ["at98"] = < text = <"10 dB"> description = <"Step size of ten decibels."> > ["at99"] = < text = <"20 dB"> description = <"Step size of 20 decibels."> > ["id100"] = < text = <"Direction"> description = <"The direction of change in the stimulus intensity."> > ["at101"] = < text = <"Descending/Ascending"> description = <"Initial direction of change of the stimulus intesity is descending, followed by ascending."> > ["at102"] = < text = <"Ascending/Descending"> description = <"Initial direction of change of the stimulus intensity is ascending, followed by descending."> > ["id103"] = < text = <"Screening Assessment Pass Criteria"> description = <"Criteria used to determine a screening assessement pass."> > ["id104"] = < text = <"Stimulus Type"> description = <"Type of stimulus used."> > ["at105"] = < text = <"Tone"> description = <"A tone stimulus was used."> > ["at106"] = < text = <"Click"> description = <"A click stimulus was used."> > ["id107"] = < text = <"Stimulus Level"> description = <"Identification of the hearing threshold level used to determine a screening assessment pass."> > ["id108"] = < text = <"Stimulus Frequency"> description = <"Identification of the stimulus frequency used to determine a screening assessment pass."> > ["id109"] = < text = <"Presentation"> description = <"Presentation of the test stimulus to the test ear."> > ["id110"] = < text = <"Air Conduction"> description = <"The indirect transmission of the test stimulus to the inner ear through the atmosphere, via the auditory canal and middle ear structures."> > ["at111"] = < text = <"Soundfield"> description = <"The stimulus is presented via a loudspeaker located one metre away from the subject."> > ["at112"] = < text = <"Insert earphone"> description = <"The stimulus is presented via inset earphones."> > ["at113"] = < text = <"External earphone"> description = <"The stimulus is presented via external earphones."> > ["id114"] = < text = <"Bone Conduction"> description = <"The direct transmission of the test stimulus to the inner ear via the cranial bones."> > ["at115"] = < text = <"Mastoid"> description = <"The posterior part of the temporal bone, including the mastoid process."> > ["at116"] = < text = <"Forehead"> description = <"Area of the head bounded by the normal hairline, eyebrows and the temples on either side."> > ["id117"] = < text = <"Earphones"> description = <"Details of earphones, either insert or external, used to conduct the test."> > ["at119"] = < text = <"Masked for air conduction"> description = <"Masking for air conduction was applied to the non-test ear."> > ["id120"] = < text = <"Test Modifications Required"> description = <"Narrative description of any modfications to the standard methodology required to enable successful completion of the test."> > ["id121"] = < text = <"Comment"> description = <"Additional narrative about the protocol for the audiogram not captured in other fields."> > ["id122"] = < text = <"Overall Interpretation"> description = <"Overall clinical interpretation of the measurements and related findings using an audiometer."> > ["id123"] = < text = <"No Test Result"> description = <"No test result is available for the test ear."> > ["id124"] = < text = <"Reason for No Test Result"> description = <"Reason why no result is available for the test ear."> > ["at125"] = < text = <"Pre-test quiet"> description = <"Test preceded by a quiet period."> > ["at126"] = < text = <"No pre-test quiet"> description = <"Test not preceded by a quiet period."> > ["id127"] = < text = <"Articulation Index"> description = <"An algorithm to predict the amount of speech that is audible to a patient with a specific hearing loss."> > ["id128"] = < text = <"Threshold Definition"> description = <"Definition of the threshold level used in the test."> > ["at129"] = < text = <"Minimum response level"> description = <"The softest level at which a subject responds to a stimulus."> > ["at130"] = < text = <"2/3 responses"> description = <"The softest level at which the subject responds to two out of three consecutive threshold runs."> > ["at131"] = < text = <"3/6 responses"> description = <"The softest level at which the subject responds to three out of six consecutive threshold runs."> > ["id132"] = < text = <"Laterality of Loss"> description = <"An interpretation about the laterality of hearing loss, based on all hearing acuity measurements for both ears."> > ["at133"] = < text = <"Bilateral"> description = <"Loss of hearing in both ears."> > ["at134"] = < text = <"Unilateral"> description = <"Loss of hearing in one ear."> > ["id135"] = < text = <"Reliability"> description = <"Narrative description of the reliability of the test results, as determined by the tester."> > ["id151"] = < text = <"Coded term"> description = <"Coded term"> > ["id152"] = < text = <"Free text term"> description = <"Free text term"> > ["ac1"] = < text = <"Test Ear"> description = <"Identification of the ear being tested."> > ["ac2"] = < text = <"Screening Assessment"> description = <"Interpretation of a series of audiometric measurements, for purposes of screening assessment."> > ["ac3"] = < text = <"Type of Loss"> description = <"Identified type of hearing loss for the test ear, based on all measurements."> > ["ac4"] = < text = <"Symmetry of Loss"> description = <"An interpretation about the symmetry of hearing loss, based on all hearing acuity measurements for both ears."> > ["ac5"] = < text = <"Laterality of Loss"> description = <"An interpretation about the laterality of hearing loss, based on all hearing acuity measurements for both ears."> > ["ac6"] = < text = <"Test Result Image"> description = <"Digital representation of the entire result."> > ["ac7"] = < text = <"Aided"> description = <"The test has been conducted with the patient using a form of auditory assistance, such as a hearing aid or cochlear implant."> > ["ac8"] = < text = <"Pre-test Conditions"> description = <"Identification of whether the subject was exposed to a quiet environment for a specified period prior to testing."> > ["ac9"] = < text = <"Masking"> description = <"Presentation of a frequency masking stimulus to the non-test ear to more accurately determine hearing thresholds in the test ear."> > ["ac10"] = < text = <"Air Conduction"> description = <"The indirect transmission of the test stimulus to the inner ear through the atmosphere, via the auditory canal and middle ear structures."> > ["ac11"] = < text = <"Bone Conduction"> description = <"The direct transmission of the test stimulus to the inner ear via the cranial bones."> > ["ac12"] = < text = <"Test Environment"> description = <"The space and conditions in which the audiometric test is administered."> > ["ac13"] = < text = <"Test Stimulus"> description = <"Identification of the frequency-specific stimulus used in measuring the hearing threshold."> > ["ac14"] = < text = <"Threshold Definition"> description = <"Definition of the threshold level used in the test."> > ["ac15"] = < text = <"Step Size"> description = <"The step size (in decibels) of the change in the stimulus intensity."> > ["ac16"] = < text = <"Direction"> description = <"The direction of change in the stimulus intensity."> > ["ac17"] = < text = <"Calibration Reference dB"> description = <"Scale used for acoustic calibration check."> > ["ac18"] = < text = <"Coded term"> description = <"Coded term"> > ["ac19"] = < text = <"Stimulus Type"> description = <"Type of stimulus used."> > ["at135"] = < text = <"Frequency"> description = <"Frequency"> > ["at136"] = < text = <"Loudness"> description = <"Loudness"> > ["at137"] = < text = <"Loudness"> description = <"Loudness"> > ["at138"] = < text = <"Time"> description = <"Time"> > ["at139"] = < text = <"Time"> description = <"Time"> > ["at140"] = < text = <"Time"> description = <"Time"> > ["at141"] = < text = <"Loudness"> description = <"Loudness"> > ["at142"] = < text = <"Frequency"> description = <"Frequency"> > ["at143"] = < text = <"image/cgm"> description = <"image/cgm"> > ["at144"] = < text = <"image/gif"> description = <"image/gif"> > ["at145"] = < text = <"image/png"> description = <"image/png"> > ["at146"] = < text = <"image/tiff"> description = <"image/tiff"> > ["at147"] = < text = <"image/jpeg"> description = <"image/jpeg"> > > > term_bindings = < ["openehr"] = < ["at135"] = ["at136"] = ["at137"] = ["at138"] = ["at139"] = ["at140"] = ["at141"] = ["at142"] = ["at143"] = ["at144"] = ["at145"] = ["at146"] = ["at147"] = > > value_sets = < ["ac7"] = < id = <"ac7"> members = <"at30", "at31"> > ["ac15"] = < id = <"ac15"> members = <"at96", "at97", "at98", "at99"> > ["ac17"] = < id = <"ac17"> members = <"at91", "at92", "at93"> > ["ac19"] = < id = <"ac19"> members = <"at105", "at106"> > ["ac1"] = < id = <"ac1"> members = <"at9", "at10", "at50"> > ["ac2"] = < id = <"ac2"> members = <"at53", "at54"> > ["ac3"] = < id = <"ac3"> members = <"at69", "at68", "at67", "at70"> > ["ac4"] = < id = <"ac4"> members = <"at73", "at74"> > ["ac5"] = < id = <"ac5"> members = <"at134", "at133"> > ["ac6"] = < id = <"ac6"> members = <"at143", "at144", "at145", "at146", "at147"> > ["ac8"] = < id = <"ac8"> members = <"at125", "at126"> > ["ac9"] = < id = <"ac9"> members = <"at23", "at22", "at119"> > ["ac10"] = < id = <"ac10"> members = <"at111", "at112", "at113"> > ["ac11"] = < id = <"ac11"> members = <"at115", "at116"> > ["ac12"] = < id = <"ac12"> members = <"at77", "at78", "at79", "at80"> > ["ac13"] = < id = <"ac13"> members = <"at36", "at37", "at81", "at82"> > ["ac14"] = < id = <"ac14"> members = <"at129", "at130", "at131"> > ["ac16"] = < id = <"ac16"> members = <"at101", "at102"> > ["ac18"] = < id = <"ac18"> members = <"at63", "at64"> > >