archetype (adl_version=1.5) openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.body_temp_test.v1.0.0 language original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> description original_author = < ["name"] = <"Thomas Beale"> ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics"> ["email"] = <""> ["date"] = <"18/04/2012"> > details = < ["en"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> purpose = <"A parent archetype for testing various child refinements, including occurrences matches {0}. Content structure derived from openEHR Body Temperature archetype."> use = <"Test"> keywords = <"test", "occurrences"> copyright = <"© openEHR Foundation"> > > lifecycle_state = <"unmanaged"> other_details = < ["regression"] = <"PASS"> > definition OBSERVATION[id1] matches { data matches { HISTORY[id3] matches { events cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches { EVENT[id4] occurrences matches {0..*} matches { data matches { ITEM_TREE[id2] matches { items cardinality matches {1; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[id5] matches { value matches { DV_QUANTITY[id5001] matches { property matches {[openehr::127]} [units, precision] matches { [{"°C"}, {1}], [{"°F"}, {1}] } } } } } } } state matches { ITEM_TREE[id30] matches { items matches { ELEMENT[id31] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id5002] matches { defining_code matches { [local:: at31, -- Naked at32, -- Reduced clothing/bedding at33, -- Appropriate clothing/bedding at34; -- Increased clothing/bedding at0033] -- Assumed } } } } allow_archetype CLUSTER[id57] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.environmental_conditions\.v1/} } allow_archetype CLUSTER[id58] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.level_of_exertion\.v1/} } allow_archetype ELEMENT[id59] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-ELEMENT\.last_normal_menstrual_period\.v1|openEHR-EHR-ELEMENT\.menstrual_cycle_day\.v1/} } ELEMENT[id42] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { value matches { DV_TEXT[id5003] matches {*} } } } } } } } } } protocol matches { ITEM_TREE[id21] matches { items matches { ELEMENT[id22] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT[id5004] matches { defining_code matches { [local:: at22, -- Mouth at23, -- Ear canal at24, -- Axilla at25, -- Rectum at26, -- Nasopharynx at27, -- Urinary bladder at28, -- Intravascular at43, -- Skin at51, -- Vagina at54, -- Oesophagus at55] -- Inguinal skin crease } } } } allow_archetype CLUSTER[id60] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { include archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.device\.v1/} } } } } } terminology id_definitions = < ["en"] = < ["id1"] = < text = <"Body temperature"> description = <"A measurement of the body temperature, which is a surrogate for the whole body temperature of the person."> > ["id3"] = < text = <"History"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["id4"] = < text = <"Any event"> description = <"Any event"> > ["id2"] = < text = <"Single"> description = <"*"> > ["id5"] = < text = <"Temperature"> description = <"The measured body temperature (as a surrogate for the whole body)."> > ["id30"] = < text = <"State"> description = <"State information about the patient."> > ["id31"] = < text = <"Body exposure"> description = <"The thermal situation of the person who is having the temperature taken."> > ["id57"] = < text = <"Environmental Conditions"> description = <"Details about the environmental conditions at the time of temperature measurement."> > ["id58"] = < text = <"Exertion"> description = <"Details about the exertion of the person at the time of temperature measurement."> > ["id59"] = < text = <"Menstrual Cycle"> description = <"Details about the menstrual cycle of a woman."> > ["id42"] = < text = <"Description of thermal stress"> description = <"Description of the conditions applied to the subject that might influence their measured body temperature."> > ["id21"] = < text = <"Protocol"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["id22"] = < text = <"Site of measurement"> description = <"The anatomical site of measurement of the temperature."> > ["id60"] = < text = <"Device"> description = <"Details about the device use to measure body temperature."> > > > term_definitions = < ["en"] = < ["at22"] = < text = <"Mouth"> description = <"Temperature is measured within the mouth."> > ["at23"] = < text = <"Ear canal"> description = <"Temperature is measured from within the external auditory canal."> > ["at24"] = < text = <"Axilla"> description = <"Temperature is measured from the skin of the axilla with the arm positioned down by the side."> > ["at25"] = < text = <"Rectum"> description = <"Temperature measured within the rectum."> > ["at26"] = < text = <"Nasopharynx"> description = <"Temperature is measured within the nasopharynx."> > ["at27"] = < text = <"Urinary bladder"> description = <"Temperature is measured in the urinary bladder."> > ["at28"] = < text = <"Intravascular"> description = <"Temperature is measured within the vascular system."> > ["at31"] = < text = <"Naked"> description = <"No clothing, bedding or covering."> > ["at32"] = < text = <"Reduced clothing/bedding"> description = <"The person is covered by a lesser amount of clothing or bedding than deemed appropriate for the environmental circumstances."> > ["at33"] = < text = <"Appropriate clothing/bedding"> description = <"The person is covered by an amount of clothing or bedding deemed appropriate for the environmental circumstances."> > ["at34"] = < text = <"Increased clothing/bedding"> description = <"The person is covered by an increased amount of clothing or bedding than deemed appropriate for the environmental circumstances."> > ["at43"] = < text = <"Skin"> description = <"Temperature is measured from exposed skin."> > ["at51"] = < text = <"Vagina"> description = <"Temperature is measured within the vagina."> > ["at54"] = < text = <"Oesophagus"> description = <"Temperatue is measured within the oesophagus."> > ["at55"] = < text = <"Inguinal skin crease"> description = <"Temperature is measured in the inguinal skin crease between the leg and abdominal wall."> > > > term_bindings = < ["LNC205"] = < ["/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id5]"] = <[LNC205::8310-5]> > >