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Status: this page is in development.


NOTE: In this page, we use the term ‘decision logic module’ (DLM) for convenience, and it should not be taken to be a permanent name. Other names such as ‘computerised guideline module’ (CGM), ‘clinical practice guideline’ (CPG) etc are also common.

The problem

The aim of this page is to describe the form of a ‘decision logic module’ (DLM) that can be used in at least the following scenarios:


This achieves the same effect as the openEHR Element type, just in a simpler type system. This approach enables typical null-value rules to be defined, such that an expression such as ejection_fraction > 20% will not cause an exception even if the ejection_fraction raw value is null. Of course it is usually better to test for defined (ejection_fraction) first, if ejection_fraction was defined as Quantity?.

QUESTION: We might have to consider whether using the ‘?' declaration obscures the difference between a 'non-available’ variable (i.e. no value available from the outside world) and one that is simply null in the standard programming language sense. If we assume that the latter can happen within datasets and guidelines, we might want to allow both Type? and e.g. the use of the explicit type Data_item<T> to distinguish the two cases.

Effective time

Sometimes the clinically significant time of a data item needs to be accessed in rules. This can be done by the reference x.effective_time, e.g. ejection_fraction.effective_time returns when the ejection fraction measurement being used was taken. For a variable like is_diabetic, it means when the diagnosis was made.


Code Block
dlm RCHOPS21 

    original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
    lifecycle_state = <"unmanaged">
    original_author = <
        ["name"] = <"Dr Spock">
        ["organisation"] = <"Acme healthcare">
        ["date"] = <"2020-03-22">
    details = <
        ["en"] = <
	    language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
	    purpose = <"NHS CHOPS-21 chemotherapy guideline ....">
    BSA: Body_surface_area
    paracetamol_dose: Quantity = 1g
    chlorphenamine_dose: Quantity = 10mg
    prednisolone_dose_per_m2: Quantity = 40mg   
    rituximab_dose_per_m2: Quantity = 375mg
    doxorubicin_dose_per_m2: Quantity = 50mg
    vincristine_dose_per_m2: Quantity = 1.4mg
    cyclophosphamide_dose_per_m2: Quantity = 750mg
    cycle_period: Duration = 3w
    cycle_repeats: Integer = 6

input -- <time_window = "current_episode">

    staging: Terminology_term «ann_arbor_staging»
        currency = 30 days

    has_metastases: Boolean
        currency = 30 days


    neutrophils: Quantity
        currency = 3d
        ranges = {
            [normal]:      |>1 x 10^9/L|,
            [low]:         |0.5 - 1 x 10^9/L|,
            [very_low]:    |<0.5 x 10^9/L|

    platelets: Quantity
        currency = 12h
        ranges = {
            [normal]:      |>75 x 10^9/L|,
            [low]:         |50 - 74 x 10^9/L|,
            [very_low]:    |<50 x 10^9/L|

    bilirubin: Quantity
        currency = 12h
        ranges = {
            [normal]:      |<20 mmol/L|,
            [high]:        |20 - 51 mmol/L|,
            [very_high]:   |51 - 85 mmol/L|,
            [crit_high]:   |>85 mmol/L|

    gfr: Quantity
        currency = 24h
        ranges = {
            [normal]:      |>20 mL/min|,
            [low]:         |10 - 20 mL/min|,
            [very_low]:    |<10 mL/min|

    ldh: Quantity
        currency = 24h
        ranges = {
            [normal]:      |>20 mL/min|,
            [low]:         |10 - 20 mL/min|,
            [very_low]:    |<10 mL/min|

        Result <- ipi_risk ∈ {|[ipi_high _risk|3], |[ipi_intermediate-_high _risk|2]}

    | patient fit to undertake regime
        Result <- not
            (platelets.in_range (very_low) or
             neutrophils.in_range (very_low))
    prednisolone_dose: Quantity
        Result <- prednisolone_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2

    rituximab_dose: Quantity
        Result <- rituximab_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2

    doxorubicin_dose: Quantity
        Result <- doxorubicin_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2 *
            map bilirubin.range {
                [high]:        0.5,
                [very_high]:   0.25,
                [crit_high]:   0.0

    prednisolone_dose: Quantity
        Result <- prednisolone_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2

    | TODO: hepatic impairment dose modification
    vincristine_dose: Quantity
        Result <- vincristine_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2

    | CHECK: is low platelets and GFR dose modification
    | cumulative?
    cyclophosphamide_dose: Quantity
        Result <- cyclophosphamide_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2
            * map platelets.range {
                [normal]:      1,
                [low]:         0.75
            * map gfr.range {
                [normal]:      1,
                [low]:         0.75,
                [very_low]:    0.5
    | International Prognostic Index
    | ref: https:|
    | One point is assigned for each of the following risk factors:
    |     Age greater than 60 years
    |     Stage III or IV disease
    |     Elevated serum LDH
    |     ECOG/Zubrod performance status of 2, 3, or 4
    |     More than 1 extranodal site
    | The sum of the points allotted correlates with the following risk groups:
    |     Low risk (0-1 points) - 5-year survival of 73%
    |     Low-intermediate risk (2 points) - 5-year survival of 51%
    |     High-intermediate risk (3 points) - 5-year survival of 43%
    |     High risk (4-5 points) - 5-year survival of 26%
    ipi_raw_score: Integer
        if age > 60
            Result <- Result + 1

        if staging ∈ {|stage III|, |stage IV|}
            Result <- Result + 1
        if ldh.in_range (normal)
            Result <- Result + 1

        if ecog > 1
            Result <- Result + 1
        if extranodal_sites > 1
            Result <- Result + 1
    ipi_risk: Terminology_code
        Result <-
            map ipi_raw_score {
                |0..1|  : |[ipi_low risk: 5y survival - 73%|0_risk],
                |2|     : |[ipi_intermediate-_low risk: 5y survival - 51%|1_risk],
                |3|     : |[ipi_intermediate-_high risk: 5y survival - 43%|2_risk],
                |4..5|  : |[ipi_high _risk:]
5y survival - 26%|3
    term_definitions = <
        ["en"] = <
            ["paracetamol_dose"] = <
                text = <"paracetamol dose">
                description = <"paracetamol base dose level per sq. m of BSA">
            ["chlorphenamine_dose"] = <
                text = <"chlorphenamine dose">
                description = <"chlorphenamine base dose level per sq. m of BSA">
            ["staging"] = <
                text = <"Cancer staging">
                description = <"Cancer staging (Ann Arbor system)">
            ["has_metastases"] = <
                text = <"Metastatic status">
                description = <"Status of metastasis of cancer">
            ["neutrophils"] = <
                text = <"neutrophils">
                description = <"neutrophils level">
            ["platelets"] = <
                text = <"platelets">
                description = <"platelets level">
            ["ipi_low_risk"] = <
                text = <"low risk: 5y survival - 73%">
                description = <"..">
            ["ipi_intermediate_low_risk"] = <
                text = <"intermediate-low risk: 5y survival - 51%">
                description = <"..">
            ["ipi_intermediate_high_risk"] = <
                text = <"intermediate-high risk: 5y survival - 43%">
                description = <"...">
            ["ipi_high_risk"] = <
                text = <"high risk: 5y survival - 26%">
                description = <"...">


DLM - DLM relationships
