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5 min


USEFUL Jira RESOURCE: CRs I have not accepted.

10 min

SEC governance update.

Thomas Beale Sebastian Iancu

Co-chair election underway.

SEC representation challenge, meeting time

EhrBase not currently represented; Cambio? DIPS?


  • everyone knows about major decisions and impact on their product


  • make meetings more topic-oriented

  • engage appropriate vendor ‘specialists’ for each meeting

  • add more expert panel members to allow more orgs/vendors to have more input/participation

Practical needs:

  • publish agenda earlier

  • manage TODO list better - use Jira YES

Main Agenda

AQL querying - picking up data from specialised archetypes.

See latter part of Discourse discussion.

15 45 min


Pablo Pazos

45 min

Better feedback from vendors on adoption obstacles

/ Open API / other strategic questions

Seref Arikan (Personal)

See Discourse discussion

  • better separation of model layers; simpler data representation oriented to API (more like FHIR website view)

  • industry-standard syntaxes? E.g. replace ODIN with JSON-ish…

Devs could look at the RM spec and wonder about methods etc, when these are not needed in the REST API view.

Also to consider: features in new languages (Go, …). Algebraic data types…

Syntaxes that are not industry-standard are problems - e.g. archetypes, expression language, etc.

Seref Arikan (Personal) - can we find a more developer-oriented set of models? (GraphQL) - reduce inheritance, generics etc.

Heath Frankel (Unlicensed) - many devs only care about OpenAPI or similar level of spec

Thomas Beale - consider repurposing e.g. SIM-B spec

Pieter Bos - NB: not all code generating tools support all of OpenAPI

Heath Frankel (Unlicensed) - FHIR doesn’t ‘do’ OpenAPI directly - devs do it themselves

Erik Sundvall - template-specific API v canonical-based

Seref Arikan (Personal) What if we had OpenAPI repr. of RM, and archetyping on this? What would we lose?

Heath Frankel (Unlicensed) - What would we gain? Even FHIR too hard for many devs


  • investigate how to convert our REST API defs in .apib → OpenAPI format

  • plus JSON schemas (develop + link into OpenAPI);

  • consider multi-level approach versus ‘simple’ single model approach;

  • different types of developer experience: platform dev | integration dev | std application dev (uses APIs etc) | low-code appl dev (uses tools) | tool devs

Next SEC call

Outstanding topics:

openEHR / FHIR - what could we standardise on? Mappings etc?

Agenda items:

  • openEHR / FHIR mapper presentation


Action items

  •  EVERYONE: consider new SEC expert panels in your org/company - DISCOURSE
  •  Thomas Beale - create new SEC task management project (Kanban-style) / discourse
  •  Diego Bosca - run FHIR/openEHR webinar - could be +EhrBase +Better as well
  •  Thomas Beale WIKI page : Convert our REST API defs in .apib → OpenAPI format + JSON schemas (develop + link into OpenAPI) ; multi-level approach; different types of developer experience; don’t forget tool devsfor OpenAPI
  •  Sebastian Iancu look into .apib REST API format upgrade to OpenAPI
