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Some examples of openEHR templates are listed below. They are drawn from projects around the world.


If Users download the Template File set from this page or a source CKM, the template can be viewed and edited using the Template Designer tool, freely available from  [TBD] the tooling download page.

Please feel free to edit and add Template examples directly on this page or email for assistance.

UK (Leeds Care Record)
CategoryNameFile DownloadContext

Clinic Visits

GP Encounter - Leeds Care Record, UK

SOAP demonstrationSource CKMInternational

Heart Failure Clinical First Visit Summary

Source CKMEU (Semantic HealthNET)

Primary Health Visit ExtractPrimary Health Visit.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Progress NoteProgress Note.zipAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)

IDCR Vital signs encounterSource CKMUK


ePrescription (epSoS/Contsys)Source CKMEurope

ePrescription (FHIR)Source CKMHL7 FHIR

End of Life Care

End of Life Care Coordination Document - Leeds EPCCSSource CKMUK (Leeds EPCCS project)

End of Life Care Coordination Document - UKSource CKMUK


PrescriptionSource CKMAustralia (demonstration)

Scottish Medication Summary

Source CKM UK

Nursing Observations

Vital Signs Encounter

Source CKMUK demonstration

Persistent Lists

Adverse Reaction ListAdverse Reaction List.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Family HistoryFamily History.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Medication ListMedication List.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Problem ListProblem

Australia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Social SummarySocial Summary.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Vaccination ListVaccination List.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)


ENT Operation ReportContextual problem listSource CKMAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)


Australian Childhood Immunisation Register ReportSource CKMAustralia (demonstration)MBS and DVA Services ReportSource CKMAustralia (demonstration)Organ Donor ReportSource CKMAustralia (demonstration)PBS and RPBS Medicines ReportSource CKMAustralia (demonstration)UK

Summary Documents

Health SummaryHealth Summary.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)

Transfer of Care Document


Source CKMInternational (demonstration)Remote On-call Referral/HandoverSource CKMAustralia (NT RMP Program)

Telemedicine Assessment

Remote Medical Practitioner Assessment Source CKM

Test Result

Imaging ReportImaging Report.zipAustralia (NT RMP ProgramShared Antenatal Care)

Teleotology AssessmentSource CKMPathology ReportPathology

Australia (NT

Hearing Health Program

Shared Antenatal Care)

Test Result

226 HZ Tympanogram Report


Core examinationsSource CKMAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)Audiology Speech Test ReportUK

Diadem dementia screeningSource CKMAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)Audiometry ReportUK

Care Plan

My asthma planSource CKMAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)High Frequency Tympanogram ReportUK

Coordination of care

Robotic Surgery Radiology Planning MeetingSource CKMAustralia (NT Hearing Health Program)Imaging ReportImaging Report.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)Pathology ReportPathology Report.zipAustralia (NT Shared Antenatal Care)UK


RES Primary Hip Arthroplasty reportSource CKMSlovenia