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Archetypes and Terminology

Eric Browne - April 2008

This note tries to clarify some of the concepts that are used formally and informally to describe the relationship between terminology (particularly SNOMED) and the informational structures represented by Archetypes.

  • The first part, #Archetype nodes, values and terms addresses the concepts of terminology binding vs. term binding (labelled constraint_binding vs term_binding in ADL).
  • The second part looks at the 3 primary hierarchies in SNOMED most relevant to observations, namely Observable Entity, Procedure and Clinical Finding.

Archetype nodes, values and terms

Terminology binding

Terminology binding is a concept used widely in e-health. Notwithstanding its use as the special concept of term binding, terminology binding usually refers to the association between a data point (node) of an information or data model and the set of terms that can be used to populate that data point's value. Thus, terminology binding is a constraint imposed through a specification, reflecting some business rule. Such a business rule could be internationally agreed, or could be a much more localised constraint, imposed by a local institution or software vendor. In openEHR Archetypes, terminology binding can be specified using the constraint-binding section, particularly with placeholder constraints as described in section 5.3.9 (p62) of the ADL 1.4 specification.


Another complexity which overlays terminology binding, is the effect of changes to the terminology over time, and how different versions of SNOMED can be managed, especially given the potential temporal binding issues mentioned above.

Term binding

Term binding is an ADL construct used to associate a language-independent string-label (e.g. at0005) with a specific term from a specific terminology. This allows for the name of a data point or Archetype node (as distinct from the corresponding value) to be identified as being the same as a specific term in a terminology. This, in turn, has the potential attraction of allowing language translations through the terminology, where they have not been done explicitly in the Archetype.

But since it is unlikely in the near future that any one terminology, including SNOMED, will be sufficiently comprehensive, widely accessible, and of sufficient quality to allow term bindings for all data points, there seems little reason to impose this extra overhead during Archetype development. One potential benefit is the association between the name of a given data point (term binding) and the set of permissible values for that same point (terminology binding). Where SNOMED has been chosen as the preferred terminology, such an association may help the terminology binding specification process.

Observations using SNOMED

Most clinical observations have two parts - the name of the thing being observed, and the value or result of the observation. What is being observed is (almost?) always descriptive - the height of a person, the mass concentration of HbA1c in the blood, the level of pain experienced, etc. Thus, these names are candidates for being held in a terminology. So much so, in fact, that HL7 in it's V3 Reference Information Model, calls the name of what is being observed the Observation.code. Not so, the result of the observation. This can be, and often is quantitative. It can be a date or a ratio or one of a host of other datatypes. It can be a compound data structure. Again, in the HL7 V3 Observation class, the result of the observation is Observation.value and has a datatype of ANY. The reason for mentioning HL7 here is that some of the HL7 approach to data representation and messaging has influenced the development of SNOMED. Of particular note is that HL7 has one data structure for recording observations - the Observation class with its code and value just described. The assumption is that data already exists in systems and for clinical communication to another system, each observation needs to be placed into an Observation object and these Observations can be bundled up into a message. There is no notion of predefining different observation structures for different clinical concepts à la Archetypes. Thus, users of HL7 need considerable guidance in how to use SNOMED concepts in HL7
Observation objects (populating the Observation.code, Observation.value and other context-related codes), lest every implementation adopts a different approach, subverting interoperability.

And so to SNOMED. In the following discussion, generic concepts are in lowercase (e.g. procedure), whereas SNOMED names use initial capitals (e.g. Procedure).

Observable Entity

This branch of the SNOMED hierarchy describes mental, physical, behavioural or other characteristics of a person or group that have been, or should or could be observed or measured by a person(s) or machine. Terms from this branch are the ideal candidates to populate HL7's Observation.code, and the ideal candidates for term bindings (see above) in Archetypes for naming Archetype nodes in OBSERVATION or EVALUATION archetypes, if such term bindings are deemed of value. SNOMED's Observable Entity terms inconsistently may contain the word "measure" or "level".


  • Gender
  • Height of tumour at cut edge, after sectioning.
  • Body height measure


This branch of SNOMED describes various healthcare acts undertaken to obtain information about the state of a patient or some aspect of a patient's condition, or to change some aspect of a patient's health. That is, the Procedure hierarchy covers both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. There is implicitly at least one Procedure for every Observable Entity. However, in practice, there is often not a one to one correspondence. This is partly due to the history of SNOMED development, partly due to the legitimate cases where a procedure has no immediate discernable observable entity (e.g. MRI or CT scan), and partly due to the legitimate cases where several different procedures exist to measure or determine the same observable entity. Given the incompleteness of various parts of the SNOMED hierarchies, it is often tempting when specifying terminology bindings, or even just constructing term sets or Refsets, for potential use as values of observations, to use a Procedure as a proxy for an Observable Entity. This is made even more tempting when the term in the Procedure hierarchy appears to be an Observable Entity, as in "Haemoglobin A1c level", which is a synonym for the same Procedure "Haemoglobin A1c measurement". This should be avoided since it will likely break decision support implementations that depend on and expect to traverse the Observable Entity hierarchy. SNOMED Procedure terms inconsistently may contain the word "measurement". SNOMED Procedure terms should be considered candidates for INSTRUCTION Archetypes.


  • Gender determination by chromosome analysis
  • Urine albumin measurement
  • Albumin measurement, serum


This branch of SNOMED describes clinical findings that might be the result of an intentional observation, or coincidental finding or may qualify the result of an observation. Leaf terms from the SNOMED Finding hierarchy are unlikely to be candidates for Archetype term bindings but could well be candidates for terminology bindings to values in Observation or Evaluation Archetypes. Thus, an evaluation Archetype may contain a node with a term binding of "Level of neuroticism" from the Observable Entity branch, have its values constrained to the three possible Findings - "Low level of neuroticism", "Moderate Level of neuroticism", "High level of neuroticism".


  • Gender unspecified
  • Male
  • Fear of heights
  • Has grown in height
  • Serum albumin normal


The relationship between SNOMED and Archetypes is important in building semantic interoperability in health care. However it is critical that we do not bind terms inappropriately to nodes in archetypes that have unambiguous meanings which are not yet represented in the correct part of the SNOMED hierarchy. This will be tempting in the name of expediency. But to do so will do more harm than good.

Use cases for terminology references in archetypes

We should try to collect and discuss sse cases for terminology references in archetypes. I divided them into two lists for "terminology binding / value sets" and "term binding / 'semantic' tagging". Please amend the lists and discuss.

Here my definition of terminology binding vs term binding (in par with Eric's above):
Terminology binding - Stating the allowed value for an archetype leaf-node. Can be query based (dynamic, in ADL via constraint-binding) or predefined concept sets (static, in ADL via term-binding)
Term binding - 'Semantic' tagging of intra- and leaf-archetype-nodes with single terminology concepts (in ADL always via term-binding)

 Terminology binding / value sets

  1. Definition of value sets (for value containing archetype leaf-nodes)
    • [Thilo] IMO there is no question that SNOMED concepts  (or concepts from other terminologies) are important to define value sets. This can be a predefined enumeration (static) or more preferably a query-based statement (dynamic). The advantage of a dynamic statement is that it adapts as the terminology is further developed. Unfortunately there is no standard way to express such queries yet. [Hugh] Ocean has a dynamic terminology query language that has been implemented and proven in its tools.  This language has recently been put forward to the IHTSDO as a possible candidate for such a query language or at least as an input to the development of the same.
    • [Further comments please]

Term binding /  'semantic' tagging

  1.  Automatic translation
    • [Thilo] I agree with Eric that term binding is (currently!) very questionable for the purpose of automatic translation. But IMO there are other use cases for term binding (see 2. and 3.)
  2. Export into non-openEHR formats
    • [Thilo] An archetype is self contained model and the meaning of its nodes is defined within the context that the archetype provides. I don't think an external multipurpose terminology can be more accurate. Thus, decision support should be developed based on archetypes and/or templates.
      But many non-openEHR formats are less semantically rich e.g. vanilla CDA (i.e. without a constraining template). In order to provide the best possible (most semantically rich) exports into the non-openEHR world the meaning that can be derived from the terminology could be helpful.
  3. Terminology-enriched archetype-based decision support
    • [Thilo] Although most decision support will be based on the information in the archetype and/or template I think sometimes addional information (e.g. 'calf' is part of 'lower extremity' via ISA relation) can be gained from the terminology.