It is feasible to generate derived Profiles from current openEHR archetypes, as the archetypes already contain more information that a profile does. The textual representation of a profile, archetype node ids (including path representation), and some node constraints will need further discussion to where and how should be created/stored.

An example of an autogenerated profile from a 1.4 archetype can be seen in openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1.profile.xml

Mapping algorithm

Archetype Object ModelProfile
Complex objectsRegular "element"
Archetype slots"element" with type as ResourceReference
Primitive objects"element" containing the primitive constraint into "short" (what about codes?)
Internal referencesTODO
Domain typesCodePhrase as CodeableConcept type? Remaining Domain types have too much information to be fit into a single "element"


Even if archetypes do not currently query parameters, archetype paths can still be expressed in xpath and included in generation time.