This page collects implementations and experiences of XSL transformations from openEHR RM instances to HTML.

(Background info: this collection started by responses to the mailinglist thread Thanks to Lisa et al at Ocean Informatics and David at IBIME/ITACA/UPV for swift replies and code donations. //Erik )

 XSLT donated by Ocean Informatics

Attached to this page is an XSL transform to convert openEHR Composition XML to HTML in a generic manner.


It is licensed under the Mozilla tri-license (MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1) see licence block in the file.

Work in progress: XSLT & CSS donated by ITACA Institute - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

I (Erik) recieved XSLT, CSS and an example in an off-list reply from David Moner Cano. He kindly let us post it here too. Note that this is a non-complete work in progress and feedback is welcome. It is licensed under the Mozilla tri-license (MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1) see licence block in the files.

 From the mail:

I can send our XSLT, although it is not yet completed. It lacks many data types, but the main classes are supported. It also includes a css to give it some format separately from the XSLT and an XML sample.

The only thing to be taken into account is that the XML is an extract but not an openEHR extract. In fact, is more similar to the CEN extract because it is simpler for us to work with in our test, but the data content is fully openEHR.

I hope it can be useful to you.

David Moner Cano
Grupo de Informática Biomédica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA
