This page provides some insight into ADL 1.5 by looking at recently published MoH Spain 13606 ADL 1.4 archetypes, and shows how they look in ADL 1.5. Some errors are correctable, and the archetypes are more efficiently expressed.

The Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality has published an official set of ISO13606 archetypes and derived artifacts for the communication of EHR among the regions of Spain. These archetypes have been developed by the UPV based on the official "Clinical Report Minimum Data Set" (CMDIC - Conjunto Mínimo de Datos de Informes Clínicos). [reported by Diega Bosca, on the openEHR clinical list 24 Mar 2014]

The ADL 1.4 archetypes are available here in the openEHR adl-archetypes Github repo for convenience.

The ADL 1.5 converted archetypes are here in the same repo.

Simple Example

ADL 1.4ADL 1.5
archetype (adl_version=1.4)


    original_language = <[ISO_639-1::es]>

    original_author = <
        ["email"] = <"">
        ["name"] = <"Grupo de Informática Médica (IBIME)">
        ["organisation"] = <"Universitat Politècnica de Valencia">
        ["date"] = <"20131108">
    lifecycle_state = <"Draft">
    other_contributors = <"Arturo Romero, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad","Pablo Serrano, Hospital de Fuenlabrada">
    details = <
        ["es"] = <
            language = <[ISO_639-1::es]>
            keywords = <"CMDIC">

    ENTRY[at0000] occurrences matches {1..1} matches {  -- Farmacia
        items existence matches {0..1} cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches {
            ELEMENT[at0001] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {  -- NIF/CIF
                value existence matches {0..1} matches {
                    SIMPLE_TEXT[at0002] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {  -- SIMPLE_TEXT
                        originalText existence matches {0..1} matches {/.*/}
            ELEMENT[at0003] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {  -- Nombre
                value existence matches {0..1} matches {
                    SIMPLE_TEXT[at0004] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {  -- SIMPLE_TEXT
                        originalText existence matches {0..1} matches {/.*/}

    term_definitions = <
        ["es"] = <
            items = <
                ["at0000"] = <
                    text = <"Farmacia">
                    description = <"Farmacia">
                ["at0001"] = <
                    text = <"NIF/CIF">
                    description = <"">
                ["at0002"] = <
                    text = <"SIMPLE_TEXT">
                    description = <"">
                ["at0003"] = <
                    text = <"Nombre">
                    description = <"">
                ["at0004"] = <
                    text = <"SIMPLE_TEXT">
                    description = <"">
    constraint_definitions = <
    term_binding = <
    constraint_binding = <
archetype (adl_version=1.5.1; generated)

	original_language = <[ISO_639-1::es]>

	original_author = <
		["email"] = <"">
		["name"] = <"Grupo de Informática Médica (IBIME)">
		["organisation"] = <"Universitat Politècnica de Valencia">
		["date"] = <"20131108">
	details = <
		["es"] = <
			language = <[ISO_639-1::es]>
			purpose = <"???">
			keywords = <"CMDIC", ...>
	lifecycle_state = <"unstable">
	other_contributors = <"Arturo Romero, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad", "Pablo Serrano, Hospital de Fuenlabrada">

	ENTRY[id1] occurrences matches {1} matches {	-- Farmacia
		items matches {
			ELEMENT[id2] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {	-- NIF/CIF
				value matches {
					SIMPLE_TEXT[id3] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {	-- SIMPLE_TEXT
						originalText matches {/.*/}
			ELEMENT[id4] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {	-- Nombre
				value matches {
					SIMPLE_TEXT[id5] occurrences matches {0..1} matches {	-- SIMPLE_TEXT
						originalText matches {/.*/}

	term_definitions = <
		["es"] = <
			["id1"] = <
				text = <"Farmacia">
				description = <"Farmacia">
			["id2"] = <
				text = <"NIF/CIF">
				description = <"">
			["id3"] = <
				text = <"SIMPLE_TEXT">
				description = <"">
			["id4"] = <
				text = <"Nombre">
				description = <"">
			["id5"] = <
				text = <"SIMPLE_TEXT">
				description = <"">


In the above we can see the following changes:

Further changes could be made in the ADL 1.5 form: