Additions or changes requested




(new endpoint) Demographics / Registry

group is ok to do the following, in a separate api page, but it should remain optional, not be required by conformance testing

Initially we discussed about /registry endpoint but we'll keep this for later (a new RM Entity?) and in the meanwhile we'll use /demographic as that matches current Demographic IM component name.

see also Pablo’s proposal and


see 2023-06-05/07 Barcelona SEC Meeting tags suggestion (todo Sebastian Iancu )

POST|PUT|GET|DELETE /api/v1/ehr/{ehr_id}/(composition|folder..)/{version_uid}/tags[/{tag_key}[/{target_path}]] - Update tags on a COMPOSITION (and FOLDERs?). Existing tags will be replaced

(question: does the tags should also consider target_path? do we need to support case where more tags with same key is used for same target but with different target_path ?)

perhaps querying/filtering of tagged objects can be done like:

GET /api/v1/ehr/{ehr_id}/(composition|folder..)?tags[key]=value

adding tags on creation-time on compositions via headers in case of committing composition resource, and inline inside the contribution resource.

GET /api/v1/ehr/{ehr_id}/tags - Get all tags currently defined in the CDR for the current EHR.


GET /api/v1/tag/keys - Get all tags keys currently defined in the CDR (DIPS variant).

Seref: maybe support tag incrementally, i.e. allow it to be used in Composition endpoint but not allow the full constraint semantics for tag to be used for aql because it may make it difficult for the implementers to apply the tag constraint to aql results (what if the tag.target_path is not in the SELECT OF AQL?)

Sidharth: What will happen if a composition is created with a tag atomically during POST, but is updated using PUT without the tags using the API

Sidharth/Erik: Strategy for filtering based on tags: 

What should happen when we update a composition and the tags are pointing to a specific (previous) version, or to a path that does not exists inside the composition

Erik: perhaps we should add an invariant, stating that a path should be only used when the target is a version<T>.

Erik: should we support logic not() on query params?

(new endpoint) Admin



Missing (specification) details


All issues

The followings are all Jira issues scheduled for REST API Release 1.1.0: