This page outlines the job description for the Clinical Knowledge Administrator Lead role.

Job title:

Clinical Knowledge Administrator Lead (CKAL) for openEHR International.

Line Management

Contractual and employment

For day-to-day contractual, employment and performance management, the CKAL will report to the chair of the openEHR International Board.

Activity and objectives

The CKAL will report to the chairs of the Clinical Program Board (CPB). The CPB will agree, direct, and support the CKAL's work to ensure that it aligns with the openEHR community’s priorities and objectives.

Membership of CPB

The CKAL will be a member of the Clinical Program Board. The CKAL is not permitted to be a co-chair or chair of CPB.

Hours and engagement

This post will initially be for 20 hours per week. One of the first objectives will be to scope and assess the resource requirements for the role, and subsequent reviews may increase (or decrease) the required hours.

The post holder will be engaged by openEHR International via an agreed contracting method (independent contractor or employee), with precise terms and conditions to be agreed upon.

Job Summary

This is a senior role acting as the lead for clinical content management on the international Clinical Knowledge Manager. The CKM is the repository of openEHR content models for use by the global community and contains the core knowledge base of openEHR models for international use.

The primary objectives for The CKA Lead are to ensure the CKM content is maintained to a high quality and level of coherence, that published artefacts remain current and suitable for use in openEHR deployments, and that processes for new content, change and version management operate effectively.

The CKA lead will further act as the coordinator for regional and organisational CKMs or equivalent content repositories to encourage and direct an approach of convergence and reuse where appropriate.

The CKA lead will keep up to date with developments in the Education and Specification Boards and highlight these to the CPB when they have relevance to the CPB scope.

The CKAL will also be required to provide liaison with other health care standards and specifications bodies, such as HL7, and to collaborate on work where required.

The CKAL shall provide advice on and analysis of openEHR tooling and the openEHR specifications in regards to their impact on the international clinical content models.

Specific responsibilities and tasks:

Role Reviews

The role will be reviewed at regular intervals with the aim of ensuring the post holder is able to meet the objectives. In particular, the time required by Clinical Knowledge Administrators and the CKAL to effectively progress the required work may need to be revised as the role evolves.