Summary of changes in this Release

With the new release, editors can explicitly close a review round and no more reviews or modifications to existing reviews are allowed for this review round. All expired invitations will be removed.

Review Rounds now have a sequential number to easier identify where in the review process an archetype is. It has been made more obvious to reviewers how to modify a completed review (orange arrow in the completed reviews portlet on the Dashboard for open review rounds). Editors can now see how engaged a user is in order to help to determine if a user should be invited for a review round. Editors can synchronise the other contributors from the archetype with those who submitted a review for the archetype, thus ensuring completeness of contributors and consistency of the user details displayed. Editors can create tasks directly from the feedback overview for a review round, ensuring that nothing gets lost.

With regards to the validation of archetypes, validation of specialised archetypes is now supported by CKM. A couple of other validation errors are now reported by CKM as well.

In addition to this, to ensure consistency of style, a "content style validation" feature has been introduced to be able to check for some inconsistency, such as that the text of an element doesn't start with an uppercase letter (or digit) or there is no full stop at the end of a description, or a description is missing completely, etc.

Before committing an archetype or setting up a new review round, editors are warned if there are technical validation errors, content validation errors, active tasks, or discussion items for this archetype and can fix this before committing/setting up a new review round.

A couple of additions to the presentation of archetypes have been made, e.g. additional information is displayed for DV_Count, DV_Date (etc), DV_Interval datatypes.

Editors now have ability to change the archetype id of an archetype while preserving all reviews, documentation etc. for this archetype.

An issue where not all archetypes containing a search term where found in "complete search" mode has been fixed. Also an issue where a direct link to an archetype may have not worked correctly if the user is already logged in to CKM has been fixed.

Detailed list of changes

Reviews and Review Rounds:


Archetype views (Simple, Tabbed, Mindmap)
