
These Demographics archetypes, developed by our Brazilian colleagues, Rigoleta Dutra Mediano Dias and Sergio Miranda Freire, conform to the two key ISO standards in this area - ISO2220 (Identification of the subject of care) and ISO27527 (Provider Identification), and include a number of other archetypes authored for Brazilian requirements which may serve as useful examples to guide similar localisation efforts.

A comprehensive guide to the use of these ISO Demographic archetypes and the principles behind their development is available:

The archetypes themselves are available from the openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager(CKM) from where they can be freely viewed and downloaded.

Further development

There is a littleĀ  work to be done in reviewing and preparing the archetypes for publication and if you have an interest in any of the archetypes, please adopt that archetype, either by opening the archetype and pressing the 'Adopt' button or by selecting the archetype in the left-side tree, right-click and select 'Adopt.

When we come to start formal reviews, the review editors will be able to identify those adopters who wish to be involved in the process.

Prior to the start of the formal review, please feel free to make comments on an archetype by opening the archetype and selecting 'Discussion' toolbar button, or by right-clicking the archetype in the left side tree and select 'Discussion'.