The openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager (CKM) -

-  is a system for collaborative development, management and publishing of a wide range of clinical knowledge resources.

It enables the implementation of knowledge governance within and across the health enterprise.

In the first release of CKM, management of openEHR archetypes through a review and publication process is supported, which includes comprehensive versioning of each archetype, creation and management of teams and a transparent review process.

In the near future additional functionality will include comprehensive management of release sets of archetypes, a library of openEHR templates and a complementary repository for other related artefacts such as terminology subsets.

The Clinical Knowledge Manager provides the opportunity and means for users interested in modelling clinical content to become participate in the creation and/or enhancement of an international set of archetypes, and these in turn have the potential to provide the foundation for interoperable Electronic Health Records. 

Functional Overview

Archetype authoring, review and publication process

Archetype checklist

How can I get involved?

Frequently asked Questions

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