Quick start guide for the Java Implementation Project

Required software

Go to download page to download the java components from here

or proceed to check out the code and build from scratch

Steps to download, build and install

  1. Open a command line console
  2. Create a new directory, e.g. openehr-java, or use an existing one; cd to it
  3. Type 'svn co http://www.openehr.org/svn/ref_impl_java/TRUNK openehr-java' to downlaod components from the TRUNK
  4. cd to openehr-java directory
  5. Type 'mvn clean install' to build, test and install all components
  6. To get source updated, stand in openehr-java and type 'svn update' and repeat 5

*NOTE: Due to a cyclic dependency related to the adl-parser, for any first time built the script will stop at the adl-serializer. Then what you need to do is just 'cd adl-parser' and run 'mvn install' from there. After that, just go back to the root directory ('cd ..') and continue the build ('mvn install').

Similarly you can build components from the SANDBOX area.

Useful commands

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