This is the home page for documenting how HL7 FHIR can be integrated with openEHR. 'FHIR' stands for Fast Health Interoperable Resources, and is a new HL7 specification, designed around the concept of web-available XML resources served through REST services. Resource definitions are customised for local use by 'profiles'.

One of the questions for openEHR is how to integrate the content and APIs we use with FHIR. There are various aspects to this. The dimensions of the question appear to be:

Work on these questions is just starting. Below are links to the current state of activities on these topics.

There is also an openEHR thread on FHIR's chat area: (you will need to login - Google authentication also works). There has been very good discussions, well worth the read

An openEHR / FHIR Architecture


Can FHIR be Archetyped?

Some initial investigations into archetyping for FHIR have started, as follows:

Converting openEHR Archetypes to FHIR Resource Definitions

Converting openEHR Data to FHIR Resources