


This meeting is intended to determine key parts of the openEHR roadmap, development plan and community governance for the next 18 months. Attendees are expected to primarily either be implementers or have a serious interest in implementation. This includes people from organisations using / wanting to use openEHR archetypes in real implementations.


social evening 15 Sep

16 Sep 2014: 09:00 - 17:00

17 Sep 2014: 09:00 - 16:00


DIPS offices central Oslo. DIPS asa, the leading EHR vendor in Norway has very kindly provided office space in their building next to Oslo central station for this meeting.

Hotels - there are numerous good hotels in Oslo. Here are some suggestions:

  • TBD


The physical meeting will accommodate a maximum of 40 people. We will provide some level of streaming / e-participation - details TBD.


Register here - physical space limited. Please do not use this registration unless you actually intend to physically be at the meeting.

Social Events


About this Meeting

This is just one of a series of face to face meetings we expect to run over the next 18 months. Don't worry if you cannot get to this one. You can provide input for the meeting via:

All outcomes of the meeting will be publicly available, and we hope to have streaming video, with presentations available online afterwards.

Organising Committee


Agenda topics potentially include the following.

If you would like to add something to the agenda, please do so below.

Agenda itemNameDate

Meeting Schedule

