
This page provides a description of the governance of openEHR specifications managed by the openEHR Specification Program (SpecP), in the form of a 'Terms of Reference' document. The openEHR specifications constitute the formal basis for all openEHR software, content models and data. The current 'release of openEHR' is a release of the specifications.


The contributors to this process are acknowledged directly on the Specification Charter page .


This governance plan is currently under review by the following:

The initial review and finalisation of a version 1.0 of the Terms of Reference was completed by 15 April 2012.

The 'governance development process' (below) is now finalised by the Specification programme charter documents being submitted to the openEHR interim board.


The path to a fully operating Specification Program consists of a bootstrapping phase, acceptance of a v1 description of governance (i.e. the main content of this page), and then commencement of operation according to that document.

The bootstrapping phase is as follows:

The governance development process is as follows:

The Program will then start as follows.

Phase 1 - initial members, taken from seed group

Phase 2 - build the core membership

Phase 3 - normal operation

The Terms of Reference Document

The document for review is available here .

Specification Asset Migration

A number of changes are required to the current specification assets so they are compatible with the new governance approach. These will be undertaken as a matter of priority and include the following.


Most specifications are currently expressed as Adobe FrameMaker documents. There have been criticisms of the use of this tool in the past (mainly due to being non-open source), but no obvious replacement is available. Furthermore, FrameMaker can itself be used to manage assets as XML DITA documents, following open standards, so it is likely to provide the best route to other tooling in the future. The other advantage of FrameMaker is that it generates high quality PDF and web documents (via WebWorks) from the same source. Converting from FrameMaker at this point is likely to be significant work, for little obvious gain.

It is therefore proposed to require Adobe FrameMaker for the stable specifications and optionally for the trial specifications, and to use other methods for development specifications, e.g. wiki.

Licenses will be provided by the Foundation as needed.

Stable Specifications

The specifications currently published as PDFs have the following appearance.

The following changes are proposed:


Current situation

Change required

1. openEHR logo

This is not standard across all docs.

Standardise to current openEHR logo

2. Left sidebar logos

Left side bar currently contains UCL and Ocean logos (the original expectation had been support from other companies).

Remove these logos.

3. Document identification block

Currently, document 'editors' are identified.


4. Specification context graphic

A graphic that shows where the current specification fits within the overall specification set.


5. openEHR boilerplate

This text is probably fine out the table is no longer appropriate.

Replace the table by text / link to the openEHR Specification Program governance documents.

6. Copyright statement (pg 2)

Currently an openEHR specific copyright statement.

Replace with the agreed CC-BY-SA text.

Trial Specifications


Development Specifications