We conducted a brainstorm session on web site and e-presence needs and solutions, which generated a lot of input.

Problems noted

WE.1 newcomers versus 'congregation' balance needs to be better on the website

WE.2 single website presence not established yet

WE.3 same size of website for different devices

WE.4 information about programs are not current (missing vision, processes)

WE.5 need to address: privacy, accessibility, cookies

WE.6 other online media presence needs to be managed

WE.7 changes in information structure necessary




    1. newcomers: top half of home page
    2. very visible demo links
    3. 'why openehr' needs to be addressed on home page; e.g. Seref's blog post (basic block approach: 'how to store data', 'how to define content' - inspiration from Marand website)
    4. consider 'portal's approach i.e. home page for devs, clinicians etc
    5. endorsements by using orgs visible on home page


    1. unify information in different places (contact info)
    2. remove / redirect openehrfoundation website
    3. connect to main site and change design of members.openehr.org website so it looks it belongs to main website


    1. create version of website for different devices


    1. news for each program
    2. define road map for each program
    3. define processes of work in each program so people can get involved
    4. blog syndication, make it part of program pages


    1. find out about accessibility regulations
    2. make link to CKM more obvious


    1. outgoing links to stackoverflow openEHR references
    2. connect to LinkedIn discussions (how?)
    3. manage youtube, facebook


    1. events news should only be future events (past events on another page)
    2. get subdomains versus /xxx rationalised

Other related decisions