The meeting was conducted via the meeting room

A recording of the meeting (53 minutes) is available at 

Misc. notes

PETER: What is 1.5? I thought there what we used to call 1.5 is now known as 2.0.
Erik: Yes 1.4 vs 2.0, sorry

IAN: Bostjan's explanation was correct IMO .

IAN: To answer Peter - the source ADL 1.4-> 1.5 does change but by the time it is 'compiled' back to operational template format, the adl.14 .opt is very similar to the adl1.5 .opt i.e there is a natural junction point.

Chat transcript

----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 11:16) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Diego: Hi all! I'd love to help with this, but I'm really focused on writting my PhD thesis :( so I won't be able to be as involved as I'd like
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 11:43) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Erik Sundvall: Diego, I know the feeling. Focus on the PhD. But you are welcome to give some feedback when you need a break/distraction...

[removed hello/mic/speaker/test etc by Sebastian Iancu, Thomas Beale, Choi Dong Won(Republic of Korea), Alex, Erik Sundvall, Ian McNicoll, Diego]

----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:17) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Thomas Beale: I'll add some things to the wiki re: APIs, from ADL Workbench
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:23) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Sebastian Iancu: i agree


----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:27) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choi Dong Won(Republic of Korea): I'm sorry to interrupt your conversationI don't have mic...Hi, this is choi dong won. in south of korea, interesting in openehrI am a member of,ltd.( are developing the EHR platform based on openEHRI already developing a template designer for the Web version.this project is very interesting for meI will be observing today because I can't speak very well

Sebastian Iancu: 1.4/1.5 is still very important

Bostjan: i think from adl 1.5 we could easily produce regular 1.4 opts?

Bostjan: so we might not need tool to natively support 1.4?

Thomas Beale: I would suggest that the internal tooling works based on ADL 2

Thomas Beale: ADL 1.4 outputs need to be an input and output mode

Thomas Beale: reasoning properly with ADL 1.4 internally is hard/impossible

Thomas Beale: I would suggest so

Thomas Beale: right

Ian McNicoll: Agreed

Thomas Beale: we still need to see if we want to define a new 1.5, 1.6 etc

Thomas Beale: example things for a new 1.5 = adding annotations

Thomas Beale: etc

Thomas Beale: it is very stable

Thomas Beale: we are looking at final changes due to Mayo / Intermountain review

Thomas Beale: that's the team converting it to AML for OMG standard

Thomas Beale: and they are relying on stability as much as us

Thomas Beale: one way to do that might simply be to reprocess the current ADL WB OPT XML

Thomas Beale: e.g. with Xslt or Xquery
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:39) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Beale: the current workbench can be made headless and wrapped

Thomas Beale: but I suggest just looking at the flattened XML output and seeing what conversion is needed from there
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:40) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Diego: Is there an XML schema for the 2.0 AOM?

Thomas Beale: good Q ;-)

Thomas Beale: not yet!

Diego: ;D

Thomas Beale: but Iguess it isn't a lot of work

Diego: I have tried to generate 1.4 AOM from other models via XQuery

Diego: in theory was possible

Diego: so AOM 2.0 to 1.4 seems feasible

Thomas Beale: you might want to look at the flattened XML output in the ADL Workbench

Bostjan: great diego, thanks
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:44) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bostjan: i think now we need only one tool for both templates and archetypes

Thomas Beale: we do

Sebastian Iancu: ... and demographic-RM

Thomas Beale: next ADL WB release can create new template on single click

Thomas Beale: Bostjan - this is a very good point

Sebastian Iancu: agree

Thomas Beale: Q to group: importance of 'clinical friendly archetype editor'?

Thomas Beale: I try to keep up;-)

Sebastian Iancu: this is quite a good platform

Thomas Beale: platform Q: def ned to separate pres layer from back-end

Sebastian Iancu: (first time user)

Diego: just that if multiple RM are considered from the start then this is a critical issue to be taken into account at the beginning

Thomas Beale: also true
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:49) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Beale: BTW in CIMI, a Enterprise Architect => BMM converter was built

Thomas Beale: it means you can build archetypes based on any RM

Diego: yes

Thomas Beale: e.g. FHIR, CDISC, 13606

Thomas Beale: even openEHR ;-)

Diego: node identification, not interesting classes

Diego: etc.

Diego: agree

Thomas Beale: @Ian - with RM-independence, you need to create a whole layer on top that maps from 'tree' structures to friendly view

Diego: Maybe a question before any other is if we want a modelers tool or a implementers tool :)

Thomas Beale: agree with Peter's statements

Bostjan: me too

Choi Dong Won(Republic of Korea): later... gdl editor also plugged in tool?

Ian McNicoll: me too - I thikjn we need ot start with the more technical layer

Thomas Beale: GDL is another good Q

Ian McNicoll: @Choi - good suggestion

Diego: Yes they are

Diego: haha
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:53) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Diego: been trying to generate a openEHR specific clinician view for archetypes

Diego: not so easy at it seemed at first look :(

Thomas Beale: it's worth looking at CKM - it actually abstracts even openEHR in subtle ways

Diego: yeah, problem is abstracting in the creation

Bostjan: sometimes you want/need RM view as well - i like TD 2.7 which has that option

Thomas Beale: agree

Sebastian Iancu: no i'm done also

Thomas Beale: that's why ADL WB has those controls on right hand side

Sebastian Iancu: ok

Ian McNicoll: @Eik - thanks for hosting and organising

Diego: thanks! :D

Alex: Thanks. Good night

Thomas Beale: thanks

Diego: bye

Choi Dong Won(Republic of Korea): bye
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (10/14/2014 12:58) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Erik Sundvall: Stopping recording now. I will transfer chat etc somewhat edited to the wiki.

Agenda + interactive speaker-list

This list/agenda was used part of the time and may help identify timepointe in the recording.

Welcome - Erik Sundvall
Short presentations: Who are you? Main interests in this tooling project? (add your name here)

Thoughts about the approach of first experimenting with modules/apis  (and a lot of other things, 

Open discussion