The openEHR Developers' workshop

Shinji Kobayashia,Ian McNicol

aKyoto University, Japan,



The openEHR project is well-known for publishing and updating a set of open specifications to build maintinable and semantically interoperable (and even intraoperable) electronic health record systems that stay agile in a changing clinical reality. It is closely related to the family of ISO 13606 standards and to CIMI (now an HL7 WG). The detailed openEHR clinical models (archetypes and templates) are authored by global and regional clinical communities in an online environment where the authoring and review process gathers views and concensus from a breadth of clinical specialities. The openEHR archetypes are often used as a source of clinical requirements gathering also in non-archetype-based systems and interoperability standards (e.g.HL7 FHIR).

This workshop will introduce and discuss openEHR based implementations and integrations primarily from developer and systems-engineering perspectives. In recent years several different technical openEHR persistence implementation approaches have been published, two recent approaches using graph-databases and combinations of relational+schemaless databases will also be described and discussed. Developers in an openEHR context nowadays thus have access to both a wealth of detailed clinical models and a wealth of published approaches to technical implementation using various persitence solutions, APIs and programming languages.


Electronic Health Records, openEHR, archetype, interoperability, intraoperability, open-source software, clinical standards, HL7 FHIR, IHE

1. Introduction

Initially, we will provide an overview of the openEHR architecture and the clinical+technical usage contexts. This is followed by a number of presentations introducing various openEHR projects and related integrations. After the introduction and between each subtopic presentation there will be Q&A and open discussions with the workshop participants. 

Knowledge of the openEHR specification/technology and computer science is helpful to understand some details in the workshop, but not required for understanding the general concepts.

1.1 An openEHR architecture overview

The core technology of openEHR specification features a multi-level modeling system, often referred to as ‘archetype-based systems’. In this archetype-based technology, technical implementation is separated from the continuously updated detailed clinical modeling concerns in a way that makes it easier for implementers to maintain semantic intra- or interoperability. In this workshop introduction, we will overview:

1.2. Examples of implementation and integration projects

See below for abstracts of short presentations

1.3. Discussion

Final open discussion, questions and answers

2. Examples of implementation and integration approaches

2.1. Short presentations: 

3. Workshop speakers

4. References