Initial Tasks

This page describes initial actions and priorities for the openEHR Clinical Program immediately following its formal establishment.

Agree high-level mission with CIC Board

Agree on (e.g.):

  • main aim: solve scalability challenge

  • some initial milestones, e.g. for an initial roadmap

Review Terms of Reference

Review and determine if any major or minor changes are needed.

Propose a general Work Group (WG) structure

Including to cover CKM archetypes editor function. A specific set of WGs is not required, it is more to establish the basis under which new WGs would be established and what they would do.

Review priorities list

Current list here.

Build an initial roadmap for 3 / 6 / 12 / 24 months


Estimate resourcing needs over various time-frames


Review and agree any updates to ToR with CIC Board