2023-11-16 Meeting minutes

Document status: approved

Meeting Date: 16th November 2023

Meeting Time: 14:00-16:00 CET (13:00-15:00 GMT)

Location: Groenlo, Nedap Healthcare Building 8-R4 Boardroom, in-person and via Zoom

Planned agenda: 2023-11-16_Meeting_agenda

CPB: Clinical Program Board
CPXP: Clinical Program Expert Group
CKA: Clinical Knowledge Administrator (role in the Ocean’s openEHR CKM)
SEC: Specifications Editorial Committee
ADL3: Archetype Definition Language v3


  • Paul Miller (CPB co-chair),

  • Vanessa Pereira (CPB co-chair),

  • Joost Holslag (CPB)

  • Sebastian Garde (CPB)

  • Marina Rudenko (CPB)

  • Wouter Zanen (CPB)

  • Silje Bakke (CPXP)

  • Vebjørn Arntzen (CPXP)

  • John Tore Valand (CPXP)

  • Heather Leslie (Guest)

  • Liv L (Guest)

  • Heidi Koikkalainen (Guest)

  • Christine Mikalsen (Guest)

  • Hanne Marte Bårholm (Guest)

  • Marit Alice Venheim (Guest)

  • Mikkel Gaup Grønmo (Guest)


  • Andjela Pavlovic (CPB)

  • Jill Riley (openEHR International Board)

Invited but could not be present (with apologies)

  • Tara Bonet (CPB)

Minutes content

  • Checking up minutes 5 oct https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koMKtfQE_nvh0zos9lCTbKW_O4p3kF_iEIK5aZWa-Ks/edit#heading=h.e3mwxwhost43 - everyone agreed with every point mentioned in the file.

  • Voting process: In an effort to enhance the voting process, we discussed about implementing the following changes:

    1. Increased Anonymity/confidentially: Adopting the voting option available on Discourse to add an extra layer of anonymity to the voting process. This can ensure a more confidential and impartial decision-making environment.

    2. CV Privacy Considerations: Reevaluating the necessity of sharing all CV information. To respect privacy preferences, limiting the dissemination of CV details to the group was proposed. For new applicants, we are modifying the current application form by replacing CV submissions with additional questions and a personal statement, focusing on their experience with openEHR.

    3. Communication and Notification: To streamline communication and prevent oversight of important events, was requested to all members to set up Discourse to receive notifications. This includes alerts for voting opportunities and meeting schedules. By ensuring all members are well-informed, we can to avoid any recurrence of missed voting or meeting instances.

    4. Mention of pending nominations for both CPB and expert panel members - this will be done during November and December.

  • Relationship between the CPB and Expert Panel:

    • Role of the Expert Group: The Expert Group is designed to accommodate individuals with time constraints who still wish to contribute. It serves as an alternative for those unable to commit extensively to the CPB. Recognizing the distinct nature of clinical processes, we acknowledge that the Expert Group and CPB cannot adhere to the same operational framework as the SEC structure and the need of adapt the terms of reference.

    • Advisory Function of the Expert Group: The CPB will seek advice from the Expert Group to assess current issues. This collaboration aims to facilitate the escalation of issues for appropriate resourcing, prioritization, and management. By functioning as an “enabler”, the CPB aims to proactively address and resolve current challenges, for a more responsive and adaptive system.

  • Working groups:

    • Currently happening: 

      • Operations working group (Paul, Silje, Jill)

      • CKA coordination group (Silje)

      • CKM governance group (TBD): Administration management of CKM, defined roles of CKA scope / defined work, estimated resource requirement, terms of use of CKM (currently outdated in confluence and needs to follow the updates on SLA 09/23), etc

      • Editorial group

      • Content management

      • Tooling (to be created): CKM, modelling tools (adl designer, ocean, linkehr) - addressing issues and needed features in tooling - these can be a blocker for the modelling process (e.g.: https://discourse.openehr.org/t/scores-or-scales-with-mixed-data-types-or-explicit-null-values/4620 )

      • Communication working group - (marketing, advertising, documentation - like HR) - suggested by Wouter, which seemed to be a good idea for more information about what’s going on in the clinical group


  • Definitions on CKM tool:

    • Technical roles and content roles on CKM

      • Creation of projects/incubators is part of content management

      • Technical administration role of CKM is taken by Sebastjan Garde which has a different type of CKA role although the overall CKA roles is is mainly a content related role with access to “housekeeping".


  • Membership approval process: Was suggested that the member statements in the file https://openehr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/healthmod/pages/2191917200needed revision. A clarification on the commitment of time and availability checkboxes in the approval procedures was discussed. The necessity of checking all the checkboxes, especially the commitment of time and availability, was emphasized. It was suggested to review the statements and potentially make adjustments to ensure clarity, along with a personal statement from the applicant. ACTION POINT: Jill is adding a personal sentence section to the google form as follows:


  • Onboarding Process for CPB: Wouter's mentioned that he had some difficulties to understand the onboarding process for the CPB, which end up in the following suggestions for improvement:

    • Documentation of Access Procedures: Needs a structured onboarding process, we need to documenting step-by-step procedures for logging into various platforms such as Google Drive, Confluence, Discourse, and others where we have the CPB documentation hosted. (ACTION POINT: Incorporate a small onboarding process to facilitate access to tools)

    • Transition from Slack to Discourse: We will gradually transitioning from Slack to Discourse. This shift is intended to optimize the platform for discussions, announcements, and other CPB-related communications. Discourse currently offers a more comprehensive and organized environment for the activities of the CPB and does not deleted messages as it happens with slack without a paid account.

Other Business and Potential Resourcing:

  • The need for potential resourcing, both for clinical work and enabling functions, was discussed.

  • The possibility of requesting resources from the CIC board was mentioned.

  • The potential need for adjustments to the terms of reference and ways of working in the future was acknowledged.


  • Baseline of CPB funding: The potential burnout of individuals involved in clinical governance work is noted, and the need for additional resources is highlighted. The issue of reviewers and editors for archetypes is raised, highlighting the current lack of centralized funding for editorial work which challenges progress. The challenges of getting international reviewers are acknowledged, and concerns about a potential shortage of reviewers in the future were mentioned. The current updates are made by the Norwegian team based on the Norwegian requirements (from development/implementation projects). Allocating resources is a complex task, requiring a balance between precision and practicality. There is a suggestion to test the waters by allocating some time initially and then adjusting based on the response. The challenges of obtaining accurate estimates and the need for someone with an understanding of the domain to conduct the analysis were mentioned. Heather told us that she went through a process in 2019 of estimating the amount of time that had been put into detailed analysis, considering factors such as the time needed for archetypal reviews, distinguishing between complex and straightforward archetypes, and accounting for design time variations and gatekeeping CKM up (backlog of change requests and proposals) till that point in time. It was stressed the importance of someone with a deep understanding of the process carrying it out for the current year. Was suggested a more agile approach, starting with smaller, more manageable estimations and refining them gradually

  • Not enough CKAs: With Heather’s resignation as CKA, there’s only one CKA left, which is quite risky for something so valuable as CKM. It’s necessary to be sure there’s enough redundancy. Probably making contact with other CKMs, national CKMs.

  • CKA job role description: Proposal to review a document on CKA and editor roles before the next meeting, curretly being written by Silje - (should include roles description, to who reports should be made)

  • CKM and the Jamaican incubators:

    • Discussion about CKM governance, specifically related to content models used in international CKM.

    • Mention of SLA (Service Level Agreement) between CIC and Ocean for CKM provision.

    • Heater mentioned her disagreement with Ocean's position on certain incubators and a call to record objections - seems that although the incubator has a name "Jamaican MOH” the actual content can be used internationally for infectious disease case investigations.

    • Recognition of the need to respect agreements but also a suggestion to renegotiate another SLA if necessary.



The following items will be discussed in the next meeting:

  • Update on CKA coordination group

  • Process of approval of publication of editorial rules

  • Modelling patterns and allowing editors to do the process

  • ADL3 modelling patterns


Frequency meetings of CPB members (CPB+CPXP): monthly, 1h (depending on agenda size), remotely

Next planned meeting: Thursday, 14 December 2023 (12h CET) - A doodle will still be sent to check the best timeslots for meetings since we have members from all around the world with different timezones. Most of the group is eurocentric but we want everyone to be included. Recording meetings for those unable to attend is also possible.