CPB and Expert Panel - onboarding new members

CPB and Expert Panel - onboarding new members

This page describes the tasks needed for new members of the CPB and CPB Expert Panel

Add to Discourse groups / categories

openEHR Discourse Admins will need to ensure:

  • CPB and Expert Panel members should be added to the CPB Board and Experts (CPB_Board) group.

    • Adding to this group will give access to the CPB and Experts Category and sub-categories

  • CPB Members should be added to the Clinical Program Board Members Only (CPB_Members_Only) group.

    • Adding to this group will set members categories watched to include CPB And Experts Category and sub categories.

Members should configure Discourse

New members should spend some time familiarising themselves with Discourse and the options to ensure they receive and read messages relating to CPB.

Setting their notifications to ‘Watching’ for relevant categories is recommended.

Options to ensure members are notified by e-mail of any posts to the CPB Categories can help to keep members aware of activity.

Meetings schedule

Any schedule of meetings or planned meetings should be sent to the new member.

Link to the CPB Operations section on Confluence

New members should be provided with the link to the CPB Operations section on Confluence and encouraged to read this content.

Link to the CPB Content on Confluence

More generally, new members should be provided with the link to the CPB Content on Confluence and note that Meeting Agendas and Minutes will be published in this space.

Confluence / Atlassian Accounts

All members should have Atlassian Accounts for openEHR with permissions to include editorial rights.

Members should have access / be given access to the openEHR CPB Jira Kanban Board.

Website information

New members should provide a short biography and current photo for the openEHR.org web site CPB section.

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