• DRAFT for approval
  • 2024-01-12 Meeting minutes

    Document status: in review

    Meeting Date: 12th January 2024

    Meeting Time: 11:00-12:00 GMT

    Location: Online, via Zoom

    Planned agenda:

    CPB: Clinical Program Board
    CPXP: Clinical Program Expert Group
    CKA: Clinical Knowledge Administrator (role in the Ocean’s openEHR CKM)
    JIC: Joint Initiative Council
    ADL: Archetype Definition Language


    • Paul Miller (CPB co-chair),

    • Vanessa Pereira (CPB co-chair),

    • Sebastian Garde (CPB)

    • Marina Rudenko (CPB)

    • Heather Leslie (CPXP)

    • John Tore Valand (CPXP)

    • Silje Bakke (CPXP)

    • Andjela Pavlovic (CPB)

    • Tara Bonet (CPB)

    • Kanthan Theivendran (CPB)

    • Rachel Dunscombe (CEO)


    Invited but could not be present (with apologies):

    • Vebjørn Arntzen (CPXP)

    • Wouter Zanen (CPB)

    • Heidi Hoikkalainen (CPXP)

    • Joost Holslag (CPB)

    • Jill Riley (openEHR International Board)


    Minutes content

    • Welcome

    • Apologies

    • Introductions if any

    • Minutes and actions from
      2023-12-14 Meeting minutes

      • Approval of minutes: approver / seconder - approved

    • Last informations/updates from Rachel:

      • JIC Update:

        • OpenEHR attempted an application for integration with with JIC two years ago but at that time we weren’t quite ready yet for all the required points from JIC.

        • A new application was done and its currently under consideration again; confirmation expected next week.

      • Onto Server:

        • OpenEHR obtained an agreement for the use of Onto Server.

        • We need to assess the impact on education and establish usage protocols.

        • Voluntary list creation required for assessing and testing on how to use it and were it benefits the usage of it for the clinical modelling group. meetings to be scheduled.

        • Heather expressed concerns, noting that this is the first time the CPB group is being aware of this case, and there is uncertainty about expectations and our role — whether it's primarily a technical solution or more beneficial for the modeling aspect. Rachel clarified that the concept originated from the UK, introduced by John Meredith in previous meetings (not-CPB meetings).

        • An update to this document is necessary, and a discussion around CKM and Ontoserver. A working group will be established to determine its relevance to the CPB and this specific case. ACTION

      • Industry Sponsorship:

        • Regarding industry sponsorship, the discussion focused on understanding how revenue can be added. Paul highlighted that there are currently no individuals working on CKM, emphasizing the need to establish this before accepting sponsors. A timeline of 3-6 months is anticipated to set up the required process, with agreement from Silje and the CPB. Rachel proposed a meeting in May ACTION to lay the foundations, emphasizing that having funds without a structured process is counterproductive. ACTION: Meeting about Industry sponsorship of content models.

        • Heather emphasized the importance of understanding the intentions of potential funders. It was highlighted that considerations should be made to avoid distractions, such as a vendor seeking archetypes for their specific project, as opposed to contributions beneficial for all, like the Catalunha project. Silje added that if a vendor brings a competent team to collaborate, it could be beneficial, but the community should not be providing a service exclusively for them.

      • Risk management

    • Chairs update: no updates.

    • Membership update

      • CPB -  new members, nominations - 1 new member - Kanthan Theivendran

      • CPXP - new members, nominations - Heidi is the new CPXP member but couldn’t be present, will be introduced in the next CPB meeting

      • Doing 1-to-1 - CPB leads are planning to have some meetings with some new and older members for a bit of extensive onboarding and getting review and giving feedback  ACTION


    • Work Group Updates:

      • Operations - CKAs

        • The last meeting for CKAs under Operations was on November 14th. However, no new topics have been proposed for discussion. The group is awaiting movement on funding. On November 16th, two funding-related topics were requested from CPB, but work cannot commence until funding issues are resolved. The lack of new developments is reflected in the minimal update. The group is still awaiting specific tasks per person to allocate resources effectively. Meetings are planned, but until a structured plan is in place, initiating them is deemed premature. All ongoing work is being documented here

        • Paul is currently working on content related to CKM, a task initially planned by Joost. This content is designed for Apperta CKM but can be repurposed. ACTION

        • Regarding Ocean / Jamaican content: The openEHR CKM no longer contains any Jamaica-specific content (incubator) and all archetypes could be reused for infection diseases. HL Stated that she felt it was not appropriate to discuss further in the CPB forum as there is an Ocean representative present and on the Board.

    • Documents for review and approval or comment

      • - this document needs to agreed as a group with this approach and be sent to openEHR CIC board ASAP so we can speed up the process and back up the community.

        • Heather emphasized the need for the group to adopt a more business-oriented approach, noting that the Program Board is supportive of the clinical program but noted disparities in terms of reference and modeling working methods, this includes the inclusion of Ontoserver which needs to be reviewed and check with the group before “acquiring” decisions.

        • It is also a consensus in the group that a CKM lead is necessary first, followed by the establishment of operating structures.

        • A dedicated meeting for a discussion on these matters should be set, with a suggested duration of 1 hour. ACTION

    • Suggestions from members:

      • Heather proposed compiling a list to acknowledge the funding projects related to the initial design of archetypes. The aim is to foster transparency by acknowledging the funding projects associated with the inception of each archetype. This serves as a means of recognition and documentation. It was noted that ADL allows for such acknowledgements, but the implementation within openEHR CKM needs clarification. It is suggested that the "Other Details" section could be the most suitable location for this information. The next step is establish a policy framework for acknowledging funding projects within archetypes, perhaps this can also be added to the . The feasibility and placement within CKM will be explored in subsequent discussions ACTION

    • Any Other Business (AOB):

    • Heather raised a question about the communication dynamics between CKAs and the Board. Paul provided insights, mentioning that his communication primarily occurs within CPB referring to the content manage process document rules.

    • Since Kanthan is our newest member we will gives us update on the and tell us if the onboarding and documentation was easy to read and access or if he feels that some things could be improved. @Kanthan Theivendran ACTION


    • Date of next meeting: 16 feb 2024 10-11h GMT