2024-05-29 Minutes

Document status: in progress

Meeting Date: 29th May 2024

Meeting Time: 10 -11.30 BST

Location: Online, via Zoom

Planned agenda:

CPB: Clinical Program Board
CPXP: Clinical Program Expert Group
CKA: Clinical Knowledge Administrator (role in the Ocean’s openEHR CKM)

Invited to meeting

  • Paul Miller (CPB co-chair),

  • Vanessa Pereira (CPB co-chair),

  • Sebastian Garde (CPB)

  • Wouter Zanen (CPB)

  • Heidi Hoikkalainen (CPXP)

  • Marina Rudenko (CPB)

  • Joost Holslag (CPB)

  • Andjela Pavlovic (CPB)

  • Tara Bonet (CPB)

  • Kanthan Theivendran (CPB)

  • Heather Leslie (CPXP)

  • John Tore Valand (CPXP)

  • Silje Bakke (CPXP)

  • Vebjørn Arntzen (CPXP)

  • Jill Riley (openEHR International Board)

  • Sharon Gibson (CPB Admin support)


  1. Welcome and Introductions

Initially some members were not present but joined after the meeting started or sent a late apology. There were no non responders. Sharon will ensure that the zoom link is on the agenda in future for ease of access.

  1. Invited but could not be present (with apologies):

John Tore Valand, Joost HÃ¥lslog, Marina Rudenko, Tara Bonet

  1. Requests for AOB

Wouter asked to talk about the HL7 announcement and potential issues with adding mapping to archetypes

  1. Minutes of previous meeting https://openehr.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MAAJj

Heidi proposed as accurate and Silje seconded

  1. Actions from minutes (Taken from Jira board) https://openehr.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/CPB/board

Risk Register - Paul and Vanessa have added to this. Paul asked members to scan this document even if they have nothing to add. Silje asked whether the colour grading should be applied to the Risk Level column rather than the Severity column to give a truer indication of risk. Jill agreed and will ask Rachel (whose document it is) if she would be happy to make the change. https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/CPB-37 ACTION JR

Paul suggested we add Risk Register as an agenda item on the next meeting to go through in more detail. ACTION SG

Access - Everyone has access - Mark as complete ACTION SG

Onserver - nothing new to add

Updated Bios on Website - Sharon to check that all are on and give up to date info on members- ACTION SG

Paul to contact Wouter re authorisation set up ACTION PM

Third Co-Chair - Joost will attend meetings when he is able to but can not yet return the Co-Chair position. Paul and Vanessa to check with Joost in September - Sharon will note this and set a reminder. ACTION SG

Intro to Atlassian - ongoing

Onboarding procedures - These are in place. Close this ACTION SG


  1. Scheduling of CPB meetings (proposed every 28 days / 4 weeks on a Wednesday) 10-15 mins discuss

Heather suggested a a fixed Wednesday every month. Jill suggested every 4 weeks. Silje agreed with Heather first or last Wednesday of the month. Kanthan would find Wednesdays difficult but suggested Thursday or Friday. Discussion and Chat poll followed.

Decision - Second to Last Tuesday of the month at 9am BST 10am CET for June July August Sept and Oct. Revisit in August on agenda. Sharon to set these dates ACTION SG

Dates will be 18th June, 23rd July, 20th August, 17th September and 22nd October


  1. OpenEHR Conference 5-6th Nov, CPB in person meeting/workshop 4th Nov

Jill updated members - conference booking now live. Jill asked members to consider what they would like to do on Monday CPB session eg a workshop or meeting. Program meetings will also be available via zoom. The conference is ideal for networking and will take place in a rural setting near Reading. Paul asked whether the group want to have a CPB meeting but expressed that this is more difficult when combining online and face to face. His idea would be to run a workshop to look at something in more depth. This would run on Monday 4th November the day prior to the conference. Silje pointed out that that delegates will have to arrive on the 4th to be on time for the conference and suggested the afternoon to hold a workshop or meeting. Sebastian said that the infrastructure is crucial if a mixed physical-remote meeting is planned. Heather thought that there is value in planning for a meeting on the 4th and we can adjust if attendance is low. Paul suggested a brief meeting- 30 mins - followed by a 2hr workshop. Heather and Silje favoured an afternoon workshop 1pm-5pm to make it more worthwhile. Vanessa agreed and suggested that we may have a lot of interest as openEHR has become a ’hot topic'. Vebjorn suggested that a collaboration with education might work if teaching of modelling is the subject. Paul asked that a working group be formed to decide on content after summer. The majority of members indicated that they would like to attend the conference and are checking funding streams within their organisations. The conference workshop will be a rolling agenda item. ACTION SG


  1. Process for publication of an archetype- Jira 46 Lack of time meant this item was deferred to next meeting agenda ACTION SG


  1. CKM Governance - nothing new to add at this point

CKA Lead job is live - 3 applications so far and closing date is 7th June. Paul stated that when the new Lead is in place we need to think about how to operationalise the working of the CKA lead in relation to the CPB and lines of communication with the Co-Chairs. Silje asked about the vetting process. She would like to see some consultation with existing CKAs. Co-Chairs to consult with Rachel about process to ensure there is suitable representation for members. ACTION VP PM

  1. CPB and Working Groups Update - lack of time meant this was not discussed


  1. AOB- HL7 Update-

Wouter asked what members thought about the introduction of mapping and whether CPB should look at this. He stated that the involvement of HL7 would be very important for the acceptance of openEHR in the Netherlands and would impact on his work. He suggested an action that we find out more about what the plans for CKM mapping are and how we can be involved. Sebastian explained that nothing concrete had been decided yet about what formalism to use and there are different options to be explored. Currently they have set up a very generic way of adding mapping files and attaching them to a specific archetype. Silje expressed her concern about adding mapping to the level of models they have on the CKM. She thought CPB should be involved at a more strategic level rather than in the detail. Vanessa asked about FHIR connect which was used to map their data to openEHR. She agreed with Silje that the data points may not mean the same thing. She saw the current tools as a quick fix and felt we need a way to check if the meaning will be changed and who would ensure that the data points are aligned. Wouter agreed that this is an issue to be solved and that this is a task that CPB could be a part of. Vanessa pointed out that FHIR changes rapidly and checking that both sides are updated is a governance issue. Paul stated that it is important to focus on how CPB is impacted by the HL7/ openEHR relationship. Agenda item next time ACTION SG

Heather would like more clarity on how this mapping will work in practice, pointing out that we need to know what we are mapping to. We need to map templates to profiles and archetypes to resources to solve the issues, but where there isn’t a 1:1 match it will not solve the problem. She has added information about the Sparked Programme, a FHIR accelerator, to discourse. They are building tooling that creates logical models from the archetypes directly. She explained that she is working on creating profiles that are aligned to archetypes which means there is little need for mapping. She also sees this as a governance issue. Heather explained that in Australia they use openEHR as a basis for their work but have not committed to openEHR. She feels that the announcement is timely for OpenEHR and will ensure that the Australian Dept of Health takes us seriously. The HL7 announcement was an unusual move but a sense of urgency meant that the decision was pushed through quickly. This announcement has raised the profile of openEHR enormously, the message to the world of digital health standards is that openEHR is equal to HL7 and this will give us considerable global recognition. Exciting times but there will be mixed reactions.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

  • 18th June 2024 at 9am - 10.30am BST