CKM Functional Overview

CKM Functional Overview

Registered users

As a registered user of this system, you have access to the following functionality:

Get an overview of existing archetypes

  • You can get an overview of what archetypes exist by
    • searching using the Find archetypes tab. Here you can search for text in archetypes and/or search for archetypes that have been classified, e.g. all archetypes used in Ambulatory Care.
    • browsing through the archetypes in the left panel
    • opening the Archetypes Mindmap from the Archetypes Menu

View and download archetypes

You can view and download all archetypes. Formats supported include ADL, HTML, tabbed HTML, as well as a Mindmap view.  Right click on any archetype in the left panel and select Open (in a format of your choice) or Download.

Keep track of the status of archetypes

You can keep track of the status of archetypes. Archetypes have different states such as Draft, Team review, Published, Obsolete and Rejected. Any new archetype is a DRAFT archetype.  Once a formal review process has been initiated, the archetype is under TEAM REVIEW. Once the reviewers and editors are satisfied that the archetype is suitable for publication, the status of the archetype is set to PUBLISHED.

Modification of a published archetype in a way that is backwardly compatible with the original results in creation of a revision of the published archetype.  A published archetype cannot be modified in a way that makes it incompatible with the original archetype - if this happens, a new version of the archetype is required (such as v2). 

Once a published archetype is no longer to be used (e.g. because a new version of the archetype has been published), the status of the archetype can be set to OBSOLETE. An archetype can also be REJECTED before it was published, e.g. if a better way of expressing the content of the archetype by use of another archetype was found.

View the revision history of an archetype

You can view the revision history of all archetypes. If you want to know what has happened to an archetype during development you can view the complete revision history of the archetype. Each revision can be compared with any other revision to be able to track the changes.

Become part of a project developing a series of archetypes

You can request to become part of a project developing archetypes in your area of expertise. To do this, open the project and select the Team members tab. Here you'll find "Your requests" where you can request to become part of the project. This will send a request to the project editor. The project editor, can also invite you to join the project.

Adopt an archetype

You can adopt a DRAFT archetype - this means that you are volunteering to participate in a formal team review of the archetype.  Once a group of at least 6 registered users have expressed willingness to participate ie 6 'adopters', the review process will be initiated by an administrator, which will result in formal publication of the archetype.

Watch an archetype

You can create your own watchlist of archetypes. These archetypes will be displayed in your watchlist on the left for easy access. To do this, you can right-click on any archetype and select "Start watching/adopting". You can also opt to receive email notifications when this archetype changes or any discussions on this archetype is taking place (see below).

Discuss an archetype

You can start discussions and contribute to discussions by posting comments on any archetype by either

  • starting a new discussion thread
  • reply to a comment made in another discussion thread on this archetype

You can subscribe to a discussion thread, so that you receive email notifications when a new comment is posted within that discussion. You can also subscribe to all discussions on this archetype

Notification of new archetypes

You can be notified whenever a new archetype is uploaded to the system to stay current with what archetypes exist. This as well as some other options are available from the User/Options menu.

Rate published archetypes

Any published archetype can be rated. You can view the current overall rating of this archetype and rate the archetype yourself on a scale from 1 to 5. You are asked to add a short comment/justification for your rating. If the archetype has evolved and you want to modify your rating, you can do so at any time.

Become a reviewer or translator

When registering for the Clinical Knowledge Manager, or when logged in (Tools/Update my Profile) you can offer to be available as a reviewer and/or translator.
Project editors can invite users to become part of their project team.

Reviewer functionality

Reviewers are usually part of a development team for archetypes. As a reviewer for a project team, you can do the following (for all archetypes that are assigned to this project)

Revise archetypes

As a reviewer you can revise any archetype that is assigned to your project

  • Checkout archetype for modification (branching)
  • Upload a revised version of the archetype

Formally review archetypes

As a reviewer, you can formally review archetypes assigned to your project. The review process will usually be started and coordinated by the editor of the projectand you will be invited to participate by email.

Communicate with other team members

Reviewers can communicate with other team members by sending email messages to the whole team via the system.

Editor functionality

In addition to the above functionality, Editors of a project have the possibility to:

Import new archetypes

Every editor of a team in CKM can introduce new archetypes to the repository. Upon importing/uploading a new archetype you will be asked to provide some meta-data for the archetype, so that later retrieval by others is enabled.  This new archetype will be immediately available within the repository as a DRAFT and will have equal status as all other DRAFT archetypes in the repository.

Commit revised archetypes to the trunk

Branches created by reviewers or the editor can be committed to the trunk, i.e. this archetype will be the new 'standard' archetype.

Assign archetypes to projects

Editors can assign archetypes to a new project if required.

Invite/assign users to projects

Editors can invite users to become part of their project team in a certain role (usually this will be a reviewer role). If the editor has communicated outside the system with a user, the editor can also directly add a user to be (e.g.) a reviewer of the team.

Manage their project

Editors can manage all the details of their team, such as assigning and unassigning project team members, managing the details of their project, etc.

Invite reviews

Editor can invite users to review an archetype. Editors can choose to invite

  • members of the project team
  • adopters of the archetype (see above)
  • single users with specific domain, professional or other knowledge that will enhance the quality of review of the archetype

Provide feedback to reviewers

Once a review round is completed, the editor can provide feedback to all reviewers to further discuss outstanding issues, agree on the necessary changes to an archetype, etc.  Once the feedback has been incorporated into the next iteration of the archetype, it can be sent out to the team for the next phase of review.  This can be repeated until consensus or final decisions are reached and the archetype is recommended for publication or not.

Get an overview of the status of the archetypes and review processes within their project

Editors can get an overview of how many users have adopted an archetype and how many are watching an archetype. They can get an overview of how many reviews have been completed in a certain review round, etc.

Publish archetypes

Once an archetype is ready to be published and all outstanding issues have been resolved, an archetype can be published.

Administrator functionality

In addition to the above functionality, administrator can do the following:

Create and manage release sets of archetypes

As an administrator you can create and manage stable release sets of archetypes in a certain revision.

Project/Incubator Management

Administrators can create new projects and incubator as well as manage the details of the project/incubator and assign new editors to a team.

User management

Administrators have the possibility to manage users in a variety of ways.

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