Poll - Top 10 archetypes for use in an Emergency

Poll - Top 10 archetypes for use in an Emergency

It has been proposed that the priorities and focus of the next Clinical Knowledge Manager archetype reviews be on achieving agreement and consensus on the 10 key archetypes that would support healthcare provision in a typical crisis situation.  Effectively these archetypes would contain clinical content that the openEHR community regard as the most important components of any Emergency Summary.  More colloquially, we could refer to them as '10 archetypes that could save a life'!

The ongoing value of agreeing these archetypes comes from the fact that while they will support emergency care, they will also be re-used as foundation clinical content for many health record summaries (such as  ISO/TR 12773 - Business Requirements for Health Summary Records) or typical clinical encounters. 

The purpose of this page is to provide background information on the candidate archetypes (see below line) and a link to the poll which will allow the openEHR community to vote.


  • The process of creating, publishing, and managing an Emergency Summary; security and privacy; etc are out of scope for this process.  The focus of the 10 archetype review is on the clinical content alone. 
  • Review of the selected archetypes within CKM will be to agree the standard definition of 'maximal data set for a universal use case' for each archetype, not just for the Emergency Summary use-case.


  • Select up to 10 key archetype concepts that contain clinical content that would be most supportive for provision of healthcare in a crisis situation.
  • In addition, where the clinical topic is a generic archetype, suggest specific examples in the 'OTHER' text box.  For example, Chest Xray as a specific example, over and above a common archetype that could express most Diagnostic tests - Are there others?
  • Have we missed any?  Add these in the 'OTHER' text box as well.

The top 10 as voted by the openEHR will become the initial priority for CKM review (and the remainder will follow soon after)... 

     Register your VOTE for the Top 10 archetypes     

Voting closes on July 24, 2009.

Background on proposed archetypes:

  1. ADMISSION / EPISODE - a generic definition for admissions or episodes of care provided. Used in this context to provide a list of recent/significant inpatient admissions or episodes of care for a given condition.
  2. ADVERSE REACTION - the basis for interaction checking, reporting of adverse events etc.  Use in this context is to provide a list of adverse reactions/allergies. [Currently under team review in CKM.]
  3. ALERT - will comprise information that may need special consideration or action by a healthcare provider.
  4. BLOOD GROUP - a specialised Laboratory archetype for reporting the Blood Group.
  5. CLINICAL SYNOPSIS - the formalised basis for recording a textual clinical summary.
  6. DIAGNOSTIC REPORT - a generic archetype for reporting the result of a generic radiology test.  Use in this context is to provide some recent or significant radiology results.
  7. DIRECTIVE - the basis for recording ongoing patient-centred directives regarding their choices for care eg resuscitation instructions.
  8. ECG REPORT - for reporting the interpreted findings and conclusions from ECG. Use in this context to provide a basis for comparison for new ECG findings.
  9. FAMILY HISTORY - the basis for assessing risk to the patient due to conditions in family members.
  10. LABORATORY REPORT - a generic archetype for reporting the result of a generic laboratory test.  Use in this context is to provide some recent or significant laboratory results.
  11. MEDICATION -  the basis for Medication orders, Prescriptions, and various Medication lists. Use in this context is likely as a current Medication List.
  12. NOTIFICATION - a generic archetype for formal documentation/notification.  Specific examples include a medical certificate.  Use in this context is to provide a list of notifications that have been generated for this patien.
  13. PROBLEM / DIAGNOSIS - Diagnosis is currently a specialisation of Problem; Use of both in this context will be as the basis for a Problem list.
  14. PROCEDURE - a generic archetype for reporting on a procedure that has been performed.  Use in this context is to provide a list of some recent or significant procedures that have been performed.
  15. REFERRAL - the basis for ordering and recording referrals and a summary of referrals that have been ordered/completed.
  16. SOCIAL BACKGROUND - the basis for recording Family & Community, Accomodation/Living Arrangements, Next of Kin etc.
  17. SUBSTANCE / ALCOHOL / TOBACCO USE SUMMARIES - family of archetypes comprising a generic archetype for recording generic substance use.  Draft candidate archetypes also exist as specialisations for alcohol and tobacco use.
  18. TRAVEL HISTORY - a summary of travel.  Use in this context is to inform of risk of health conditions based on recent travel.
  19. VITAL SIGNS group - will comprise all of Blood Pressure, Pulse, Oximetry, Respirations and Temperature archetypes. Use in this context is to provide the basis for potential decision support.  [Currently under team review in CKM.]
  20. WEIGHT - will capture weight. Use in this context is to provide the basis for potential decision support eg medication dosage per kg.  [Currently under team review in CKM.]

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