CKM Release 1.0.5

Detailed list of changes

  • Added: Ability to add Operational Templates to an archetype (Document Center) and render them according to configured XSLT scripts (currently slightly modified Tree and Table view known from the Template Designer).
  • Improved: Finding archetypes: Querying for more than one wordin freetext will now find these words independently (and not only in direct sequence), honouring the and/or option (Test it e.g. with: "Section Soap").
  • Fixed: There has been some confusion in reviews where there are two adjacent slots within an archetype (Anxiety and exertion Slot in the most recent blood pressure). This has been fixed and previous reviews have been upgraded.
  • Added: Possibility to add Review Feedbackto items that didn't receive any reviewer comments - as an Editor switch to Detailed View when you opened the review round as an editor of the archetype.
  • Added: An "Abstain"-vote (overall recommendation) for archetype reviews.
  • Added: Support for mindmap formats as possible document types for upload as documentation for an archetype.
  • Improved: A couple of improvements to the Archetype Translation process.
  • Improved: Speed improvements for Editor's Active Review Round portlet (needs to be configured in the Dashboard config: "Review Invitations Overview") and Review/Review Invitation Overview.
  • Improved: The Latest Discussions portlet will only show the latest comment within a thread now.
  • Fixed: Previously, adopting an archetype via the context menu would fail under some circumstances.
  • Fixed: Password reset functionality, the username should be case-insensitive
  • Improved: Review invitation - "find users dialog" is a bit confusing, should load directly with the normal view
  • Fixed: Changing the case of the archetype id causes problem when resubmitting the archetype
  • Changed: Change Editor Review portlet, double-click behaviour
  • Fixed: Non-specialised items in a specialised archetype are not always correctly indented
  • Fixed: If a text for an at code is not available in the Ontology, the html rendering of the archetype fails
  • Improved: Overall recommendations that are created by importing reviews into an email etc should be localised too
  • Fixed: Admin archetypes are not exported as part of Exporting archetypes as a zip
  • Added: DV_EHR_URI is now recognized and an icon is displayed for it
  • Fixed: Archetype Validator suggested the DV_EHR_URI is not a valid datatype
  • Fixed Archetype tree does not show correct specialisation hierarchy for archetypes that have been specialised twice
  • Improved: When a user clicks on a direct link to accept and start a review now, it needs to be checked that the user is the user for whom the review invitation is
  • Improved: When clicking on an review invitation link in an email, the review should only start if the user has not yet completed the review
  • Fixed: On creating a new review round, the archetype should automatically and permanently be set to status Team Review
  • Fixed: Country flags are not rendered in the User's profile's Country combobox
  • Added: Make the email address for support configurable
  • Fixed: Hovering over an empty position description when comparing two archetypes displays a null tooltip
  • Added: Ability to configure the link to an external introduction page as accesible via About/Introduction/Help
  • Added: Ability to configure the logo and the way the about page is presented
  • Improved: Straighten the photo in the About panel and resize it to be below all text and logos
  • Task: Upgrade to Mediaflux 3.5.x
  • Fixed: When as a NOT logged in user, the Archetype History is chosen, an error appears that the team could not be retrieved
  • Fixed: A URL which contains &part= would be presented wrongly in some browsers
  • Improved: Disable Create user button and change cursor to wait when creating a new user
  • Improved: Internal codes should not appear in the translation panel where possible
  • Improved: Translations: Keywords should be translatable as a whole
  • Improved: Translations: the Textareas should size to the length of the text
  • Improved: Add a Next button to go through the translations tree
  • Changed: Deletion of a translation from adl should be a compatible revision, not a new version
  • Improved: Archetype Validation Report should be sorted by archetype id
  • Fixed: Archetype's Translator Accreditation is not stored
  • Added: Option to not send a thank you email on review completed
  • Fixed: In the Reports \statistics, the bar chart may be empty on rare occassions
  • Fixed: On expanding an empty exported archetypes zip-file, an error message is displayed
  • Improved: Height of the Tabbed View of an archetype should adjust when browser is resized, same for creating /modifying ReviewsÂ