MedInfo 2010 - South Africa

MedInfo 2010 - South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa was host to the 13th International Congress on Medical Informatics from the 12-15 of September 2010 - http://www.medinfo2010.org/

Pre-congress Tutorials and workshops

1. Clinical Modelling workshop

2. The openEHR developers' workshop (including a revised connectathon)

Oral Presentations

Scientific demonstrations

  • REST Based Services and Storage Interfaces for openEHR Implementations (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions
    Authors: E Sundvall, M Nyström, M Eneling, D Karlsson, H Åhlfeldt

Scientific demonstrations will be held between 17:30 and 19:00 on the days of the conference

Informal openEHR meetups

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