MIE 2011 - SHI 2011 - Oslo, Norway

MIE 2011 - SHI 2011 - Oslo, Norway

Time: Aug 28 - Aug 31, 2011
Location: Oslo, Norway

MIE: http://www.mie2011.org/

SHI: http://www.shi2011.org/ (Co-located with MIE, entry to both conferences included in the same fee)

Please add any openEHR & ISO 13606-related conference contributions you are aware of below.


  • Supporting openEHR Java Desktop Application Developers
    Hajar KASHFI and Olof TORGERSSON
    Department of Applied Information Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden
    Abstract: The openEHR community suggests that an appropriate approach for creating a graphical user interface for an openEHR-based application is to generate forms from the underlying archetypes and templates. However, current generation techniques are not mature enough to be able to produce high quality interfaces with good usability. Therefore, developing efficient ways to combine manually designed and developed interfaces to openEHR backends is an interesting alternative. In this study, a framework for binding a pre-designed graphical user interface to an openEHR-based backend is proposed. The proposed framework contributes to the set of options available for developers. In particular we believe that the approach of combining user interface components with an openEHR backend in the proposed way might be useful in situations where the quality of the user interface is essential and for creating small scale and experimental systems.
  • Validation of the openEHR Archetype Library by using OWL Reasoning
    Departamento de Informática y Sistemas, Facultad de Informática, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
    Abstract: Electronic Health Record architectures based on the dual model architecture use archetypes for representing clinical knowledge. Therefore, ensuring their correctness and consistency is a fundamental research goal. In this work, we explore how an approach based on OWL technologies can be used for such purpose. This method has been applied to the openEHR archetype repository, which is the largest available one nowadays. The results of this validation are also reported in this study.
  • Model Driven Development of Clinical Information Sytems using openEHR
    Koray ATALAG, Hong Yul YANG, Ewan TEMPERO and Jim WARREN
    Department of Computer Science and National Institute for Health Innovation, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
    Abstract: openEHR and the recent international standard (ISO 13606) defined a model driven software development methodology for health information systems. However there is little evidence in the literature describing implementation; especially for desktop clinical applications. This paper presents an implementation pathway using .Net/C# technology for Microsoft Windows desktop platforms. An endoscopy reporting application driven by openEHR Archetypes and Templates has been developed. A set of novel GUI directives has been defined and presented which guides the automatic graphical user interface generator to render widgets properly. We also reveal the development steps and important design decisions; from modelling to the final software product. This might provide guidance for other developers and form evidence required for the adoption of these standards for vendors and national programs alike.

Workshops, panels, demonstrations

  • Workshop: CEN/ISO 13606 Implementation and Communication of Health Information
    David MONER, Gerard FRERIKS, José Alberto MALDONADO, René SCHIPPERS, and Montserrat ROBLES 
    EN 13606 Association
    Abstract: This workshop will introduce the CEN/ISO 13606 standard to the audience, describing its key aspects and benefits to enable semantic interoperability of the electronic health record. This approach, based on the use of archetypes as formal definition of detailed clinical models, will be shown in a working environment and following the epSOS patient summary specifications. Existing tools will be used to show the complete development process of a CEN/ISO 13606 solution, from the definition of the archetypes to the generation of valid XML EHR extracts.


  • Bookmarking Service Considerations for an Archetype-Based EHR Using REST
    Erik SUNDVALL, Mikael NYSTRÖM, Martin ENELING, Daniel KARLSSON and Håkan ÖRMAN
    Department of Biomedical Engineering, Linköpings universitet, Sweden
    Abstract: In the implementation of an archetype-based electronic health record (EHR) environment, that applies a REST architecture to openEHR, links to both overviews (including focus points within them) and to specific content items can be expressed as URLs. This has the positive side effect of allowing EHR bookmarking and link sharing in the same way as for normal web pages. Here we describe a secure URL shortener and online bookmark service that has been added to the EHR system. It addresses privacy concerns and handles warnings when sharing and retrieving bookmarked EHR content. The service can be used for sending links between different presentation devices, groups and users, including patients. As on the web, a bookmark targets a point in the live EHR and does not constitute a static screenshot. EHR content and access restrictions may thus change between the moment of bookmark creation and bookmark retrieval; the implications of this and a change warning system is further discussed. After a small extension to cover the bookmark storage and lifecycle, the security and access log features already in place in the EHR REST architecture handle the EHR content access control.
  • Clinical data modeling using archetype technology for national surveillance of intractable diseases in Japan
    Abstract: Japanese ministry of health, labour and welfare has surveyed intractable diseases to research the disease entity and subsidy patients and their families. To improve the interoperability and productivity of this surveillance, we designed clinical data model by ISO/CEN 13606 and openEHR architecture. The fifty archetypes and six templates show the possibility of the archetypes and promising data usability on clinical research and surveillance.
  • Implementation of a CEN/ISO 13606 Platform for Medicines Reconciliation
    David MONER, Marta TERRÓN, Carlos ANGULO, Luis LECHUGA, Pablo SERRANO, José Alberto MALDONADO, Francisco J. FARFÁN and Montserrat ROBLES
    Ibime Group, ITACA Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Hospital de Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain
    Abstract: This paper describes a solution developed for medicines reconciliation at the Hospital de Fuenlabrada in Madrid. It is based on the use of a CEN/ISO 13606 based patient summary that is shared between primary care and the hospital center. The 13606 norm and archetypes were used to achieve the semantic interoperability of the clinical information together with SNOMED CT and the Spanish National Medication Database. This approach has showed that it is feasible to achieve a patient security improvement in an innovative and collaborative way.
  • Detailed Clinical Models to Facilitate Inter-Standard Interoperability of Data Types
    Diego BOSCA, José Alberto MALDONADO, David MONER and Montserrat ROBLES
    Ibime Group, ITACA Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Abstract: Electronic Health Records interoperability is still a problem. Different standards exist for different stages of the caring process and even for the same purpose, which in practice makes interoperability more difficult. Data types are no exception, different standards consider a different set of data types that must be transformed. Detailed Clinical Models are an alternative to solve this interoperability problem. We propose a Detailed Clinical Model representation of basic primitives, data types and more specialized data types like quantities, texts or time. Those will be the building blocks to generate more complex concepts.
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