MedInfo 2007 - Brisbane Australia
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A video introducing openEHR for MedInfo participants featuring Prof David Ingram, chair of openEHR.
Time |
Event |
Room |
Resources |
Sun 19 Aug |
9-1pm |
Great Hall 1 |
9-1pmTutorial S013 |
The openEHR implementation tutorial and software workshop |
P4 |
T Beale - Intro slides (4Mb PPT) |
1:30 - 5pmTutorial S015 |
Electronic health record and telemedicine: Latino American approach (Part B) [IN SPANISH] |
Great Hall 1 |
Mon 20 Aug |
9-1pm |
The 'Art' of Archetyping |
M3 |
1:30 - 4:30pmWorkshop S064 |
Towards an electronic health record by using a framework to engage an organisation in clinical information modelling and the development of archetypes |
P3 |
Tue 21 Aug |
4pmSession S094 |
Framework for Clinical Data Standardization Based on Archetypes |
GH2 |
Wed 22 Aug |
11amSession S105 Optimising User Interfaces |
Graphical Overview and Navigation of Electronic Health Records in a Prototyping Environment Using Google Earth and openEHR Archetypes |
M3 |
Paper (PDF) |
11amSession S111 |
The openEHR Java Reference Implementation Project |
GH3 |
Paper (PDF) |
11amSession S104 |
Semantic Issues in Integrating Data from Different Models to Achieve Data Interoperability |
M4 |
Paper (PDF) |
4pmSession S127 Sustainable Health Systems |
Towards Sustainability of Health Information Systems: How Can We Define Measure and Achieve It? |
GH4 |
Paper (PDF) |
4pmSession S131 |
An Ontology-based Model of Clinical Information |
M2 |
Thu 23 Aug |
2-3:30pm Poster P354 |
Representing clinical knowledge as Archetypes |
4pm Session S157 |
EHR Query Language (EQL) - A Query Language for Archetype-based Health Records |
M1 |
Paper (PDF) |
4pm Session S158 |
Generic Screen Representations for Future Proof Systems: Is it Possible? Two-model approach to a generic GUI |
GH4 |
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