MedInfo 2007 - Brisbane Australia

MedInfo 2007 - Brisbane Australia

The MedInfo website is at http://www.medinfo2007.org/

A video introducing openEHR for MedInfo participants featuring Prof David Ingram, chair of openEHR.





Sun 19 Aug

Tutorial S001

Electronic health record and telemedicine: Latino American approach (Part A) [IN SPANISH]
Carola Hullin (Central Queensland University), Erika Caballero Muñoz (Faculty at University Mayor, Santiago Chile), Meza & Luis Osorio (Chile)

Great Hall 1

9-1pmTutorial S013

The openEHR implementation tutorial and software workshop
Thomas Beale (Ocean Informatics), Rong Chen (Linköping University, Sweden), Thilo Schuler (Freiburg University, Germany), Sebastian Garde (Central Queensland University), Helma van der Linden (University Maastricht, The Netherlands), Erik Sundvall (Linköping University, Sweden)
Guide for participants in the coding exercise:http://www.openehr.org/svn/ref_impl_java/TRUNK/docs/medinfo-workshop.htm


T Beale  - Intro slides (4Mb PPT)
R Chen - Java Intro (300k PPT)
Java coding exercise (68k PPT)
Thilo Schuler - cocoon teaser (206k PPT)
Sebastian Garde - governance (692k PPT)

1:30 - 5pmTutorial S015

Electronic health record and telemedicine: Latino American approach (Part B) [IN SPANISH]
 Carola Hullin (Central Queensland University), Erika Caballero Muñoz (Faculty at University Mayor, Santiago Chile), Meza & Luis Osorio (Chile)

Great Hall 1

Mon 20 Aug

workshop S043

The 'Art' of Archetyping
Sam Heard & Heather leslie (Ocean Informatics)


1:30 - 4:30pmWorkshop S064

Towards an electronic health record by using a framework to engage an organisation in clinical information modelling and the development of archetypes
Janette Gogler (Austin Health), Carola Hullin & Sebastian Garde (Central Queensland University)


Tue 21 Aug

4pmSession S094
Data: Standards and Sharing 2
Chair: Kai Heitmann

Framework for Clinical Data Standardization Based on Archetypes
Jose A.Maldonado, David Moner, Diego Tomás, Carlos Ángulo, Montserrat Robles, Jesualdo T. Fernández


Presentation (2849k PPT)
Paper (PDF)

Wed 22 Aug

11amSession S105 Optimising User Interfaces
Chair: Janette Gogler

Graphical Overview and Navigation of Electronic Health Records in a Prototyping Environment Using Google Earth and openEHR Archetypes
Sundvall Erik, Mikael Nyström, Mattias Forss, Rong Chen, Håkan Petersson, Hans Åhlfeldt


Paper (PDF)

11amSession S111
eHealth Systems Modeling 2
Chair: Klaus Kuhn

The openEHR Java Reference Implementation Project
Rong Chen, Gunnar Klein


Paper (PDF)

11amSession S104
Semantic Issues in Healthdata Classification Chair: Joanne Callen

Semantic Issues in Integrating Data from Different Models to Achieve Data Interoperability
Rahil Qamar, Alan Rector


Paper (PDF)

4pmSession S127 Sustainable Health Systems
Chair: Tze Yun Leong

Towards Sustainability of Health Information Systems: How Can We Define Measure and Achieve It?
Sebastian Garde, Carola M. Hullin, Rong Chen, Thilo Schuler, Jana Gränza, Petra Knaup, Evelyn J.S. Hovenga


Paper (PDF)

4pmSession S131
Ontology Based Modeling Chair: Michelle Honey

An Ontology-based Model of Clinical Information
Thomas Beale, Sam Heard


Slideset (1.7Mb PPT)
Paper (PDF)

Thu 23 Aug

2-3:30pm Poster P354

Representing clinical knowledge as Archetypes
Knut Bernstein, Mette R Darmer

4pm Session S157
Information Retrieval 1 Chair: Patrice Degoulet

EHR Query Language (EQL) - A Query Language for Archetype-based Health Records
Chunlan Ma, Heath Frankel, Thomas Beale, Sam Heard


Paper (PDF)

4pm Session S158
Information Retrieval 1 Chair: Yvonne Crowe

Generic Screen Representations for Future Proof Systems: Is it Possible? Two-model approach to a generic GUI
Helma van der Linden, Thilo Schuler, Rong Chen, Jan Talmon


Paper (PDF);
Extended follow-up Publication (PDF)

(Please send corrections / additions directly to webmaster@openehr.org).