2024-04-27 SEC Call notes


Apr 29, 2024

Call Link

Discourse SEC calls


  • @Sebastian Iancu

  • @Bostjan Lah

  • @Mattijs Kuhlmann

  • @Joost Holslag

  • @Sebastian Garde

  • @Rong Chen

  • @Ian McNicoll

  • @Seref Arikan

  • @Chunlan Ma

  • @Severin Kohler

  • @Erik Sundvall

  • @Diego Bosca


Discussion topics



Presenter/Suggested by





Presenter/Suggested by



Main Agenda

10 min



SEC Jira board.


15 min

Various aspects

@Sebastian Iancu

  • “Adopt 3 tickets”: A method to reduce the backlog and progress on updates of specs

    • need to discuss and decide priority

  • SEC chair elections in June 2024

    • in the meeting of May we should decide if we want 2 or 3 chairs; think about rotating chairs, perhaps overlapping to get continuity; candidate announcements in May 2024

need to make a list about priority on adopting tickets

  • focus on bugs or issues with current specs (no new features)


Decision is to keep to 3 chair position for the SEC group

Nominations starts in May 6-7, Election in June 6-7



15 min

Face2face SEC meeting Berlin


  • meeting in Berlin 6-7 June 2024

  • agenda / topics

  • announced to be present: poll

  • who is going to be online (probably Erik & Seref)


  • AM 2.4 (ADL2+)

  • RM 1.2 + BASE


  • co-chair election results

  • Federation Authorization @Joost Holslag @Seref Arikan

  • terminology @Severin Kohler @Ian McNicoll

  • interop FHIR+OMOP @Severin Kohler mapping?

  • strategical planning of spec (long term)

  • Jira tickets (overview)

  • Try to kick-start WG decision/process support (GDL2/TP etc) @Rong Chen

  • @Ian McNicoll A few outstanding crucial ADL2 issues...

    1. Nested terms

    2. .opt2 ? Webtemplate2

    3. migrating templateIds

    4. Handling namespaces

5 min

Federation WG

@Sebastian Iancu

Lead: Erik Vermeulen, EY

  • @Sebastian Iancu

  • @Ian McNicoll

  • @Severin Kohler

  • @Seref Arikan

  • @Matija Polajnar

  • brief document circulated with architectural principles

  • federating AQL results, “pull” model

  • central point, distributed AQL, issues with access-control, NUTS

  • issues when publishing templates on nodes needed by central node

  • eventing is a push-model, so far not in the scope

15 min


@Bostjan Lah

AM 2.3 released

AM 2.4.0 on the run

  • homework: need to analyse the differences between the branch and master

  • next meeting discuss more on the change

@Pieter Bos

@Thomas Beale


  • @Bostjan Lah please comment on github

  • convention about at9000

10 min

Risk Register

@Sebastian Iancu


10 min

Others unsorted


  • openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECTERM-30

  • specifications source of truth: UML, BMMs, asciidoc & PlantUML?

  • fuzziness with (new) EL in BASE

  • fuzziness antlr grammar repos?

  • propose parking Entity (new demographics)

  • cross board meeting (CPB & SEC)

  • longer term continuity plan

  • @Severin Kohler Episode of Care

  • @Severin Kohler Proposing new WG Interoperability

not really discussed, left over for next time

10 min

Mappings and Term Bindings

@Severin Kohler




10 min




https://openehr.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SPECPR/issues/?filter=allopenissues&jql=project %3D "SPECPR" AND statusCategory in ("To Do"%2C "In Progress") ORDER BY updated DESC

@Ian McNicoll some mandatory elements in RMN requires particular terminology - should we relax them?


openEHR terminologies binding strength-Map 1-20240429-123821.png



NUTS + openEHR

@Joost Holslag


access-control policies in a non-centralized network


see also SMART scopes

@Seref Arikan search also

@Erik Sundvall (not really NUTS, but related) ABAC might help a lot

Action items

start discourse page then meeting for packaging @Sebastian Iancu
propose quarterly joint meetings with CPB to discuss needs roadmap @Sebastian Iancu