ADL2 outstanding issues - Berlin 2024

A. ADL2 idSystem numbering

  • Has it been reverted to atCode numbering for IDsystems (as proposed by TB)


C. Replacing .oet

  • ADL2 serialisation or

  • Jsonifed ADL2 (Archetype Designer but not fully conformant)

  • Fully conformant ADL2 json

  • Impact: tooling

D. Support for archetypeID namespaces

  • Changes to RM to store specialisation hierarchy in CDR

  • handled hierarchy external to CDR (as per NEDAP)

  • defer support for mixed namespaces e.g. [](<>)

  • Impact: CDR, AQL (full namespaces)

E. ADL2 terminology ‘gaps’

Outstanding JIRA PRs

  • Mixed terminology Valuesets e.g LOINC + local codes

  • Nested Codesystems/ Valuesets “Use FHIR Valuesets”

  • Binding/ mapping directives

    • Bindings can be applied at template-level

    • Is this enough?

  • Handling of keyed items e.g comment in .opt generation

  • Missing??

  • Future direction ?? FHIR terminology

F. Transition from ‘text-based’ templateIds to formal ADL2 templateIds

  • There is no equivalent in AOM2 to the current human text templateID in ADL1.4 only th HRID e.g. org.openehr::openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter_report.v1

  • There is IMO a need for a ‘fully defined conceptId’

    • Essentially the human design-time name of the template or archetype

    • Different from human ‘working name’ of root node (archetype or template)


    • Root name is ‘Device details’ but a specialised version is created by Scotland, adding a couple of datapoints

    Root name ‘working name’ is still Device details but the title (design time name) is Device details (Scotland)

    • Similar challenge of template root ‘working name’ of ‘Vital signs’ vs. Design time concept name of Vital Signs - London UCP

    • Suggestion

      • TemplateId is migrated to a new title attribute (as per FHIR StructureDefinition) that is added to AOM2 ResourceDecriptionItem (language-dependent) - on creation it should have the same value as the archetype/templateRootID but be capable of being independently adjusted

      • Note - querying against HRID will require full namespace support

      • Is there a place for an openEHR namespace registry??

    • Impact AQL, tooling, CDR


    G. Interim ADL1.x release?

    If migrating to ADL2 is likely to take some time, is there an argument for adding partial support for easy extensions to ADL1?

    • Enhanced design-time artefacts - e.g template-level descriptions, template binding overrides, hide-on-form, RM attribute visibility etc mostly supported by 1.4 /1.5

    • node ordering - before and after keywords

    • direct archetype inclusion for re-use - supported by C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT and use_archetype - major bonus!!

    • Proper Semver support - deprecate MD5 hashes

    • Formalise status of Webtemplates

    • Challenges

      • Would require some updates to OPT1.4 but non-breaking extensions, some already partly handled by Archetype Designer

      • Would require updates to Webtemplates (Needed in any case)

      • Would require updates to .oet(practically impossible)

    • Possible approach

      • Priotitise .oet replacement (CKM)

      • Shared effort on ADL2→ opt 1.x generation

      • Shared effort on .oet→ ADL2 generation