2024-09-16 SEC Call notes


Sep 16, 2024

Call Link

Discourse SEC calls


  • @Sebastian Iancu

  • @Joost Holslag

  • @Diego Bosca

  • @Bostjan Lah

  • @Matija Polajnar

  • @Sebastian Garde

  • @Borut Jures

  • @Renaud Subiger

  • @Seref Arikan

  • @Birger Haarbrandt


Discussion topics



Presenter/Suggested by





Presenter/Suggested by



Main Agenda

10 min


Various aspects


SEC Jira board.

  • Conference UK Nov 2024 Connectathon

  • SEC Expert - Renaud Subigre

  • Risk register

  • “Adopt your ticket”

  • emails @openehr.org

  • ok to remove all old mail forwards of specifications@openehr.org

15 min

Specifications Website

@Sebastian Iancu

  • Direct links on first page?? @Ian McNicoll

    • suggestion to show an overview (of release) baseline on the first page and cut down the text to minimal

  • UML / BMM / asciidoctor specs

15 min

Clinical PR

@Ian McNicoll


  • need more input from modelers/use-case on what to store under other_details

  • This is only on DV_SCALE

  • a data value without a value is a somehow invalid datapoint

  • suggestion to consider if changing the type of the DV_SCALE.value from Real to String (so that the key can be used)

  • suggestion to modelers to consider to use DV_CODED_TEXT in such situation (when a DV_SCALE has no value, perhaps a set of DV_CODED_TEXT sounds more appropriate) - but this will not work for situation where values are used multiple times

  • not discussed too much, need more feedback

  • @Sebastian Garde

    • cannot turn the value to String, rather make the value optional

    • consider deprecating DV_ORDINAL class ?

      • it might have huge impact in the future on data instances, and smaller impact on models




  • sharable AQLs

  • Subject Proxy

  • undocumented functionalities

  • new features/formalisms (views, graphQL, etc)


  • sharable AQL

    • needs experiments inside REST API WG

    • CKM has a basic support to publish them

    • Better has a way to refer to them in their app-set export

    • @Joost Holslag  
      There’s a spec for I think what we might want. 
      I think stored AQL should be ‘authored resources’. Maybe ‘authored query’ like there’s ‘authored archetype’ adds value?

    • @Diego Bosca is this related to the "packages" we discussed some time ago?



OPT 1.4

@Sebastian Iancu

(XSD) Schema not uptodate

  • not discussed

Action items

start discourse page then meeting for packaging @Sebastian Iancu
propose quarterly joint meetings with CPB to discuss needs roadmap @Sebastian Iancu
@Sebastian Iancu will make Jira tickets to execute decision about retirement of some specs as per Berlin’s meeting
it will be nice to report on discourse on Berlin’s meeting.
SEC accepts Borut Jures as SEC Expert, @Sebastian Iancu should make formaties with Jill
propose SEC meeting 4th Nov (conference pre-day), @Sebastian Iancu needs to contact Jill.