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10 min | Opening, Various aspects | ALL | SEC Jira board. | |
15 min | Specifications Website | @Sebastian Iancu | | the release baseline should be on the first page “if you are a developer, please don’t build your own platform” better add a FAQ section (@Seref Arikan) todo @Sebastian Iancu create a FAQ wiki Eclipse Modeling Project | The Eclipse Foundation need experiments with BMMs in yaml SEC group agrees to explore BMM as the single source of truth for openEHR specs that also means that Archie becomes more important in the future (as it will be used in various workflow stages)
15 min | Clinical PR | @Ian McNicoll | SPECPR-440: Add 'Role/ note' and 'other_details' to PARTY_IDENTIFIEDOpen SPECPR-442: For DV_SCALE /DV_ORDINAL, make value attribute optional not mandatoryOpen This is only on DV_SCALE a data value without a value is a somehow invalid datapoint suggestion to consider if changing the type of the DV_SCALE.value from Real to String (so that the key can be used) suggestion to modelers to consider to use DV_CODED_TEXT in such situation (when a DV_SCALE has no value, perhaps a set of DV_CODED_TEXT sounds more appropriate) - but this will not work for situation where values are used multiple times
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| AQL WG | | | sharable AQL needs experiments inside REST API WG CKM has a basic support to publish them Better has a way to refer to them in their app-set export @Joost Holslag Resource Model There’s a spec for I think what we might want. I think stored AQL should be ‘authored resources’. Maybe ‘authored query’ like there’s ‘authored archetype’ adds value? @Diego Bosca is this related to the "packages" we discussed some time ago?
| OPT 1.4 | @Sebastian Iancu | (XSD) Schema not uptodate | |