2024-11-04 SEC Face2face Meeting Reading UK


Nov 4, 2024


Wokefield Estate Golf Club, Goodboy’s Lane, Reading, RG7 3AE

SEC will be in the ‘Forest’ meeting room, which will be set up / booked for a total of 10-people. The room is located off to the left of the main Avenue. Wokefield staff will be able to direct you when you arrive. Lunch, Tea, Coffee, snacks and room hire have been arranged. Any AV requests are with Pete Bouvier and should be confirmed with him pr@openehr.org

Wokefield have 2 areas to eat. The View 1, which is open 6pm - 9pm and Benedicts Bar open 12pm – 9pm. These are open to the public and if you wish to remain on site, I’d suggest booking. There are links to do this from the webpage. It doesn’t look like payment or deposit is required in advance, but you will all need to settle your own bills direct with the venue on the evening. There are a places to eat offsite / nearby 1

Call Link

Discourse SEC calls, see https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85174229929?pwd=MnJkNTlxTkhVUUh6WEpORmFKMEJjdz09

Discourse page: https://discourse.openehr.org/t/sec-face2face-meeting-on-4-nov-in-reading-uk/5458

Backup freshEHR Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84134001333?pwd=X60Og9KoVq0LkiyLNHeioWbvV5RoSp.1


SEC Physical

SEC Remote

SEC members won’t attend or not responded

SEC Physical

SEC Remote

SEC members won’t attend or not responded

  • @Alex Vidrean

  • @Birger Haarbrandt

  • @Bostjan Lah

  • @Chunlan Ma

  • @Diego Bosca

  • @Jake Smolka

  • @Joost Holslag

  • @Mattijs Kuhlmann (& @Jelte Zeilstra)

  • @Matija Polajnar

  • @Rong Chen

  • @Sebastian Garde

  • @Sebastian Iancu

  • @Severin Kohler

  • @Seref Arikan

  • @Sidharth Ramesh

  • @Thomas Beale

  • @Erik Sundvall

  • @Pablo Pazos

  • @Ian McNicoll

  • @Borut Jures

  • @Bjørn Næss

  • @Shinji Kobayashi


  • WG reports

  • Releases

  • openEHR & HL7

Discussion topics

Starts (Brittish time)



Presenter/Suggested by



Starts (Brittish time)



Presenter/Suggested by




15 min

Opening & Agenda





AM 2.4 (ADL2+) recap

@Bostjan Lah

Recap & Review


  • branch for v2.4 almost ready to merge, last check by Bostjan and Joost

  • updated grammar is in a branch in Archie, needs to be also pushed @Mattijs Kuhlmann

  • @Ian McNicoll ‘Template title’ missing from AOM2. - long-form descriptive title of the template for use in tooling. Suggestion decided by the meting:

    • Add a new attribute called “Title” to the Details section (@Ian McNicoll TODO: add some details and an example of such an updated ADL1.4 details section)

    • Recomend to ADL 1.4 → ADL 2 converter software to populate this new “Title” field with the Template ID form ADL 1.4 templates

  • Some discrepancies in coded-term, resource_item which needs also to be solved before releasing v2.4 (@Sebastian Iancu @Sebastian Garde ) see https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECTERM-30

    • see AOM profile specs for old codes

    • consensus to try to solve it in a v1.4 style - check with Archie

  • https://specifications.openehr.org/releases/AM/development/AOM2.html#terminology_instance @Thomas Beale CSV for mapping

  • Define vocabulary csv, @Thomas Beale vocabulary proposal, omop vocabulary, fhir table, @Diego Bosca gather requirements




@Severin Kohler

OMOCL FHIRconnect EU Network

  • Highmed & Veratech is doing the mapping to most important archetypes to OMOP

  • during 2025 Q1 will provide FHIRconnect and OMOCL mappings and engine

  • mappings will be published in CKM

  • in the future we will need to find a place for a future specs around the formalism (FHIRConnect)




@Sebastian Iancu

Status update


informed about priorities for Release 1.1




@Seref Arikan

  • Import / export format

There are (at least) two separate use-cases that might have different solutions (or maybe one solution can cover everything?)

  1. Migration from one CDR to another (e.g. by end of contract when shifting from one vendor/product to another), this takes place at a specifigc timepoint for all records in the system and full medico-legal and technical need to remain unchanged. Most likely the same system_id will be used in the source and target system.

  2. Merging/moving data from one openEHR system into another, often already used (= already containing data), openEHR-system using the IMPORTED_VERSION mechanism of openEHR that allows branching and merging openEHR content. (See examples and links in e.g. https://discourse.openehr.org/t/exploring-the-use-of-openehr-for-integrating-patient-health-records-across-multiple-systems/5274/8?u=erik.sundvall) In some such cases system_id will be different in the source and target system, branch

Recommendation from the meeting: take a look to ehr-extract specs to see if they cover both scenarios well.

Note, to make a complete migration, also definitions like templates, stored queries, CDS rules etc. need to be migrated. (Also patients/PMI and users, but that might be outside the openEHR specs.)




@Severin Kohler

  • links between compositions

-- might already work select c1/uid, c2/uid from ehr e contains composition c1 and composition c2 where exists c1/links[target/value = concat('ehr:/compositions/', c2.uid)] -- preferred select c1, resolve(c1/links) as c2 from e contains composition c1 -- no go select c1/uid, c2/uid from ehr e contains composition c1 join composition c2 on c1.links=c2




@Severin Kohler

  • plan for flat-format serialization specs

  • agreement almost finished between flat-format implementers

  • need to release v1 as soon as possible

  • we will need to retire older specs

    • Suggestion: move the ECIS FLAT out of the first simplified format spec and into a separate document that might be used for human language-independent simplified formats later.


45 min

Lunch Break






WG AQL (“Querying mechanisms” in WG list)

@Sebastian Iancu

  • Planning, Goals, Kickstarting

  • Continuing AQL Federation WG and AQL subject Proxy

  • need to start WG in jan 2025

  • Some suggested participant names are listed in the table in https://openehr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/spec/pages/2128609346, more names are welcome. (The group is called “Querying mechanisms” in the WG list)




@Ian McNicoll

  • Status update

  • relation with Pablo’s work

Conformance proposal





@Birger Haarbrandt





Actions connecting with Instructions

@Erik Sundvall


We did not get to this point, but if done later, note:
In Referring to the enclosing composition from ACTION.instruction_details? post #12 two things were delegated to the REST WG. But it remains to be discussed in the SEC if the reference in INSTRUCTION_DETAILS.instruction_id should/could point to a specific version of a COMPOSITION or not - this needs to be better described and exemplified in the specifications.


15 min








@Rong Chen

  • Try to kick-start WG




RM 1.2

@Sebastian Iancu






@Sebastian Iancu

  • UML -> BMM

  • BMMs as JSON or as YAML





@Sebastian Iancu

  • Open questions / suggestions / etc

  • Cleanups / retiring components




Action items