2018-07-01 SEC ISSUES LIST

2018-07-01 SEC ISSUES LIST

This page contains the current SEC work list of items needing action by SEC members.

May 2018

RM Release 1.0.4

Action required: See here for remaining CRs to approve.


May 2018

BASE Release 1.1.0

Action required: See here for remaining CRs to approve.

May 2018

Where should BMM, ODIN, and other generic specs live?

Action required: decide if a new component is needed.

At the moment they are in BASE. Some people thing they should be elsewhere because BASE contains things that other components depend on directly, e.g. Foundation Types, Base Types, Expressions, and in future probably we'll move the versioning spec there. BMM and ODIN are however, higher level specs, and themselves assume the Foundation types, so arguably they should live in a new component, something like MODELS, perhaps. Doing this means creating a new component, new Jira tracker, making a few changes in the SEC web pages etc.

SG: Agree that conceptually they are separate from BASE, but I slightly favour the inaccuracy for simplicity's sake, i.e. fewer components.

July 2018


Split Spec-ITS Repo?

Action required: decide whether to split the ITS repo into one-per-technology.

See this page for full explanation. Currently, the one-repo-per-technology seems like the favourite.

July 2018

Finalise Foundation Date/Time types

The original problem and proposal is described on this page.

Action required: Needs review by all back-end implementers.

Jun 2018

Conformance Testing with Cucumber

See wiki page.

We agreed in June to pursue this, and support some funded work for Seref to proceed with it.

FOLDERs and Episodes

Aug 2018 

AQL Functions

Last SPEC meeting we agreed to work out some guidelines and ideas on how to add functions to AQL 

Auf 2018


Retrieval Data sets

We need a solution for templates of data sets that are retrieved, rather than just Compositions, which are 'write' data sets.

See wiki page.

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