Marand Think!EHR service interface

Most of the API is compatible with the Ocean vEHR API.

Login, session, etc.




Gets Think!EHR server version

String getVersion();



String login(String userId, String password);

Returns session id

Closes a session

void closeSession(String sessionId);

Close session with the given id

Checks if a session is open

boolean isOpenSession(String sessionId);

Returns true if session is open

Working with EHRs




Creates a new EHR

String createEhr(String sessionId, String committerName);

Returns newly created EHR's uid

Creates a new EHR and links it with the subject id in the given subject namespace

String createSubjectEhr(String sessionId, String subjectId, String subjectNamespace, String committerName);

Returns newly created EHR's uid

Finds EHR with the given subject id and subject namespace

String findEhr(String sessionId, String subjectId, String subjectNamespace);

Returns EHR's uid for given parameters

Finds subject id for the given ehr uid and subject namespace

String getSubjectId(String sessionId, String ehrId, String subjectNamespace);

Returns subject id

Sets EHR for session

void useEhr(String sessionId, String ehrId);



Creates a new contribution in the current session

void createContribution(String sessionId);


Checks if given session already holds a contribution

boolean hasContribution(String sessionId);

Returns true if current session contains a contribution

Commits a contribution

void commitContribution(String sessionId, PartyIdentified committer, String comment, AuditChangeType changeType);


Rolls back a contribution

void rollbackContribution(String sessionId);


Create/update/delete of compositions

Adds a new composition to the contribution

String createComposition(String sessionId, VersionLifecycleState lifecycleState, Composition composition);

Returns new composition's uid

Adds a modification of an existing composition (with the given uid) to the contribution.

String modifyComposition(String sessionId, VersionLifecycleState lifecycleState, String precedingVersionUid, Composition composition);

Returns updated composition's uid

Adds a deletion of an existing composition to the contribution

void deleteComposition(String sessionId, String committerName, String versionedCompositionUid);


Data retrieval

Returns a composition with the given uid.

Composition getComposition(String sessionId, String compositionUid);


Returns all versions of composition for the given versioned uid

List<Composition> getAllCompositionVersions(String sessionId, String versionedCompositionUid);


Executes given AQL query on EHR currently associated with the session

List<Object[]> queryEhrContent(String sessionId, String aqlQuery);

Returns query results

Executes given AQL query on all EHRs - i.e. a population query

List<Object[]> queryPopulationContent(String sessionId, String aqlQuery);

Returns query results