2016-05-25 SEC Call notes

2016-05-25 SEC Call notes




  • Agree timeline for AM 2.x release
  • Agree timeline for BASE 1.x release

Discussion items

20 minOutstanding action itemsallSee meeting notes.
20 minTerminology

@heath - main thing is to publish openEHR content; manage process additional openEHR concepts

Agreed - use main PR for new term / code requests & advertise this.

Pablo Pazos - notes that most current issues are related to multi-lingual representation, translation etc

Ian McNicoll - will complete initial v1.0.0

-Demographic archetypes 
-AM 2.x releaseThomas Beale
-BASE 1.x releaseThomas Beale

Add Expressions spec

Add Base Types spec

45 minAPIs

See openEHR REST APIs page.

Former user (Deleted) - looking for feedback on apiary

Heath Frankel (Unlicensed) - my problem is - what's the source of truth for APIs? (git, wiki, apiary, ...)

Sebastian Iancu - there are other tools (apiary is only one)

Bjørn Næss - apiary is just one format, implem specific.

Ian McNicoll get RippleOS resource

Pablo Pazos - see notes below

  1. sanity review of current apiary spec; git fork + pull to make changes; comments via git repo tracker
  2. endpoint definition
  3. content / payload definition - agree XML or JSON as primary rep'n

Agree to discuss on next meeting; ~ 1 month to correct; then release say initial 'Release 0.8.0'

5 minTDS 3(no update currently) - see wiki; Heath will send some XSD sample & other files.

Action items

  • Erik Sundvall - will do a bit of work on TDS3 page with resources from Heath.
  • Former user (Deleted) - try to create apiary.io 'openEHR' team
  • Sebastian Iancu - create 'master' wiki page with meaningful links; push existing content to a child page.
  • Review Pablo's SEC email 


AOM2 potential final additions

class TerminologyRef
    value: Uri;
    terminology_id(): String;
    terminology_version(): String;

class TerminologyConceptRef
    value: Uri;
    code(): String;
    terminology(): TerminologyRef;

class TerminologyValueSetRef
    value: Uri;
    id(): String;
    value_set_version(): String;
    terminology(): TerminologyRef;


Goal: have a v0.1 of the REST API

1. Agree on a minimal set of endpoints (/queries need more discussion)
+ /ehrs
+ /compositions or /versions or /versioned_objects

2. Agree on a minimal set of operations (PUT and DELETE later)

3. Agree on a minimal set of format and structures (JSON first, XML later)
+ ehr
+ composition/version

4. Plan a mini-openEHR-Connectathon to validate implementations are interoperable
+ design use cases
+ publish implementations in the cloud
+ release some docs and sample data sets
+ build sample clients (REST client tests [insomnia, postman, soapui,...], small apps, etc.)

5. Create a backlog with improvements and change requests
+ review the items agreed in 1., 2. and 3.
+ update the specs to v0.2
+ plan the next connectathon

6. Agree on a minimal set of endpoints, operations and structures for queries and results

7. Plan a connectathon including querying
+ execute the use cases for ehrs and compositions/versions (regression)
+ design use cases that include querying
+ publish implementations in the cloud (including querying)
+ release some docs and sample data sets (including querying)
+ build sample clients (REST client tests [insomnia, postman, soapui,...], small apps, etc.) (including querying)

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