This install guide was contributed by Alessandro Torrisi. Please contact Alessandro on the mailing list with any questions or corrections.
OShip Installation on Windows
**NOTE: OSHIP requires Python 2.5! If it isn't already installed on your system you can download it from
You will need setuptools for Python2.5 as well. Get the script from PEAK
2) You will need setuptools for Python2.4 as well. Get the
{{script from PEAK }}
save it to you c:\Python24\ folder
3) Execute
{{C:\Python24> }}
4) Install the virual environment
C:\Python24>Scripts\easy_install.exe virtualenv
5) Create a sandbox directory
c:\Python24>mkdir c:\sandbox
6) Create the virtual environment
C:\Python24>Scripts\virtualenv.exe c:\sandbox
New python executable in c:\sandbox\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools...............done.
7) Activate the virtual environment
C:\Python24>cd c:\sandbox
{{(sandbox) c:\sandbox> }}
As you can see, the prompt is a bit diffrent
8) Install zc.buildout
(sandbox) c:\sandbox>Scripts\easy_install.exe zc.buildout
9) Verify the files
(sandbox) c:\sandbox>dir Scripts
Het volume in station C heeft geen naam.
Het volumenummer is 1C09-E2E2
Map van c:\sandbox\Scripts
24-06-2008 20:46 <DIR> .
24-06-2008 20:46 <DIR> ..
24-06-2008 20:42 385 activate.bat
24-06-2008 20:46 295
24-06-2008 20:46 6.656 buildout.exe
24-06-2008 20:42 204 deactivate.bat
24-06-2008 20:42 308
24-06-2008 20:42 6.656 easy_install-2.4.exe
24-06-2008 20:42 300
24-06-2008 20:42 6.656 easy_install.exe
24-06-2008 20:42 4.608 python.exe
9 bestand(en) 26.068 bytes
2 map(pen) bytes beschikbaar
(sandbox) c:\sandbox>
10) If you do not have SVN on your system then install TortoiseSVN
11) Create oship folder
(sandbox) c:\sandbox>mkdir oship
12) Checkout the source from svn:
into the folder c:\sanbox\oship
13) Now some stuff to make it work in my situation
13a) Download last release from
Run the file to start the installation process
Keep all values at their defaults and select at least next components:
o MinGW base tools
o g++ compiler
{{ o MinGW Make }}
Add the C:\mingw\bin directory to the system PATH
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\oship>set path=%path%; c:\mingw\bin
13b) create a folder called libs in c:\sandbox
(sandbox) c:\sandbox> mkdir libs
(sandbox) c:\sandbox>cd libs
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\libs>c:\sandbox\libs>copy
1 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\libs>copy c:\Python24\libs\python24.lib
1 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\libs>
14) Do the buildout.
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\libs>cd c:\sandbox\oship
(sandbox) c:\sandbox\oship>..\Scripts\buildout.exe.
now it is coffe time... this can take serveral minuts
15) Start the oship project
(test) c:\sandbox\oship>bin\paster.exe serve deploy.ini
16) you should be able to start a browser and go to