- Mental healthAEPR-57Peter Gummer
- Binary distribution of the AEAEPR-56Peter Gummer
- Coded list at DV_MULTYMEDIA is have not described in opt template formatAEPR-55Peter Gummer
- Attribute with multiple data types (polymorphic property)AEPR-54Peter Gummer
- Remove 'es-es' from terminology fileAEPR-53Ian McNicoll
- Spanish language incorrectly coded in terminology file.AEPR-52Resolved issue: AEPR-52Ian McNicoll
- Archetype editor changes entered code in Term BindingAEPR-51Peter Gummer
- Archetype Editor does not allow SNOMED expressions in Term-BindingAEPR-50Peter Gummer
- Error on saveAEPR-47Peter Gummer
- Cannot view bottom of Archetype Editor windowAEPR-46Peter Gummer
- "Use" text field is partly hiddenAEPR-45Peter Gummer
- Reworked PropertyUnitData.xml causes errorsAEPR-44Peter Gummer
- AE does not allow non-unique Ordinal numbersAEPR-43Peter Gummer
- ckm arquectype -'lab - test- lipds'AEPR-42Resolved issue: AEPR-42Peter Gummer
- Кубань - Локомотив смотреть (Наш Футбол) онлайн 01.11.2015AEPR-41Resolved issue: AEPR-41Peter Gummer
- Support for Interval of DurationAEPR-40Peter Gummer
- Change default slot constraint to include V0 archetypesAEPR-39Peter Gummer
- Allow common internal terms to be used across OrdinalsAEPR-38Ian McNicoll
- Inherited element panels cannot be loaded in VS2013AEPR-37Ian McNicoll
- Instance path reported incorrectly in some environmentsAEPR-35Hugh Leslie
- Translation language in archetypes should be better specifiedAEPR-36Thomas Beale
- Set Max Value "Spinner" does not workAEPR-34Resolved issue: AEPR-34Peter Gummer
- Allowing quantity internal inconsistencyAEPR-33Resolved issue: AEPR-33
- Add suport for ADL1,5 style namespacing, revision stringsAEPR-32Resolved issue: AEPR-32
- AE currently creates invalid UCUM unitsAEPR-31Resolved issue: AEPR-31
- PropertyUnits changesAEPR-30Resolved issue: AEPR-30
- Unable to open an adl file in archetype editorAEPR-29Resolved issue: AEPR-29
- Precision fixed to 1 decimal place in DV_PROPORTIONAEPR-28
- Setting regex for DV_IDENTIFIER.assigner actually sets it for DV_IDENTIFIER.idAEPR-27Resolved issue: AEPR-27
- Recovery file never goes awayAEPR-26Resolved issue: AEPR-26
- Persistent COMPOSITION saves participationAEPR-25Resolved issue: AEPR-25
- Change default Foundation CKM websearch URL following CKM upgradeAEPR-24Resolved issue: AEPR-24
- Interval of DV_QUANTITY allows mis-match of units between upper and lower bounds.AEPR-23
- Mix up of translations if translation is entered into a node name but the node does not lose focus.AEPR-22
- Opening mutli-lingual archetype ask if 'Tree' node should be translated.AEPR-21Resolved issue: AEPR-21
- Dialog to select file for slot constraint always starts up in Reference archetype directory.AEPR-20Resolved issue: AEPR-20
- Text Constraint Control adds extraneous CRLF characters when 'copy term to clipboard' is selectedAEPR-19Resolved issue: AEPR-19
- Error at startup on clean installAEPR-18Resolved issue: AEPR-18
- Annotations do not work except in the primary languageAEPR-17Resolved issue: AEPR-17
- Support UIDAEPR-16Resolved issue: AEPR-16
- Non-standard items in constraint_definitionsAEPR-15Resolved issue: AEPR-15
- Specialised archetype XML loses parent term definitionsAEPR-14Resolved issue: AEPR-14
- Cannot change data type of specialised elementAEPR-13Resolved issue: AEPR-13
- Error opening empty resource_package_uriAEPR-12Resolved issue: AEPR-12
- Quantity assumed value has precision of -1AEPR-11Resolved issue: AEPR-11
- Internationalise the Options dialog, etc.AEPR-10Resolved issue: AEPR-10
- Garbled text in RTF DisplayAEPR-9Resolved issue: AEPR-9
- Add property units for "Rates of Change" - Pressure and FrequencyAEPR-8Resolved issue: AEPR-8
- Instruction specialization result in empty ACTIVITY descriptionAEPR-7Resolved issue: AEPR-7
- Problem trying to specify pathway transition constraintsAEPR-6Resolved issue: AEPR-6
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