Change default slot constraint to include V0 archetypes
Ian McNicoll August 10, 2015 at 12:21 PM
Hi Heath,
That makes perfect sense in the run-time environment but we do have to be able to deal with linkages and references to V0 archetypes in the design and tooling environment, which was the original problem.
I think we can reduce the basic choice to ...
Do you want to restrict the slot filler to a specific version of an archetype
Do you want to constrain only to the root name of the archetype (leaving version unconstrained)?

Heath Frankel August 10, 2015 at 12:42 AM
In what way will they been tested. The issues we had in the past is that they get used in templates and never get out of the v0 state when being "tested", I don't want to go back to that issue we had 8 years ago. Anyway, I have put forward my concern.
Peter Gummer August 10, 2015 at 12:37 AM
But if we don't do this change, Heath, then v0 archetypes will not be usable for testing prior to being published.
The suggested \.v[0-9]+(\..*)? regex permits v0 but doesn't assume or mandate v0 in any way. It's simply saying that the slot doesn't care what the version is.

Heath Frankel August 9, 2015 at 11:21 PMEdited
I am concerned about this suggested change. If v0 archetypes are drafts and we should not use them until they are published, I would suggest the slot regex should not be updated.
History is repeating, we used to have v0 archetypes and got into trouble with them being used before they were stable.
The Archetype Editor has been updated to handle the new versioning (on the openEHR Github, not released yet ) but we will need to adapt the slot fill regex to allow for .v0 archetypes, which are now the default for new, uncontrolled archetypes.
The default regex for slot-fill pattern needs to be changed to allow any Version not just V1
After discussion the preferred regex change seems to be