ADL workbench allows ARCHETYPE_SLOT to redefine C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT


according to the AOM spec, a C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT can only redefine another C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT

The ADL workbench allows an ARCHETYPE_SLOT to redefine a C_ARCHETYPE root - at least with the closed attribute defined. I would think it should raise a validity error



Pieter Bos October 18, 2017 at 11:53 AM

also the adl-antlr grammar does not allow use_archetype with only a node id - not an archetype id - meaning you cannot do:

use_archetype [id10] occurrences matches {0}

without mentioning the archetype reference as well. You can actually do it in the workbench, and I would think it should be in the grammar. But i'm not sure what it should actually be - you can of course just repeat the archetype reference.




Created October 18, 2017 at 11:47 AM
Updated October 18, 2017 at 11:53 AM