Add advanced constraint patterns in temporal constraint classes
Raise CR
Raise CR
Sebastian Iancu December 26, 2022 at 11:30 AM
I think there is also the case of 'Z' - UTC timezone required, so without any of (+/-) etc.
See .
Regarding the various issues raised, this CR adds further capability to that created in SPECAM-75
Constraints on time-zone
Currently there is no way to state a specific constraint on TZ. We can propose the following:
(+|-)— : – TZ optional (same as having no constraint)
(+|-)??:XX – TZ minutes not allowed, hours optional
(+|-)XX:XX – TZ not allowed
(+|-)HH:mm – TZ required
(+|-)HH:?? – TZ hour required, minute optional
(+|-)HH:XX – TZ hour required, minute prohibited
Validation Guidance
Issue: There is no mention of how to proceed in terms of data validation with datetimes that have timezone or decimal fractions like 2021-06-21T00:00:00,123-03:00, how is that validated against C_DATE_TIME.pattern = yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS that appears in the ADL?
Validation is always done by an implementation of the function C_DEFINED_OBJECT.valid_vcalue(), in classes like C_DATE, C_DATE_TIME, etc.
However, the specs do not provide algorithms for these functions, which they could.