Upgrade AOM1.4 model to use BASE, and to have regular package structure.
Sebastian Iancu February 14, 2024 at 1:43 PM
Perhaps I miss understood the changes made. I thought (based on comments above and on commits) that you also formally added CODE_PHRASE type to BASE.
In any case, I don’t see any reason now not to give acceptance on this.
Thomas Beale February 11, 2024 at 5:41 PM
I don’t think I intended to add CODE_PHRASE to the BASE documentation. This is essentially a safe hack to allow for AOM1.4 backward compatibility. CODE_PHRASE is still originally defined in the Commn IM. Do we want to change this? Ir simply include it as a copy in the HTML documentation, which I can do easily enough.
But the change as a whole greatly simplifies the UML model handling for openEHR. Previously, the AOM1.4 had its own special UML related scripts, and special processing in other scripts.
Sebastian Iancu February 5, 2024 at 9:53 AMEdited
I’m trying to review and give acceptance to this ticket, but it looks like that those classes are missing from generated html, as well as from amendments. So there is still needed to do some small more edits.
Thomas Beale April 26, 2023 at 9:32 AM
I’ve just added a copy of CODE_PHRASE (the original from RM) to BASE and reverted the 2 uses of Terminology_code in AOM1.4 to CODE_PHRASE. So it will look like nothing has changed in the spec. But the management of the UML and AM specs is still regular, which was the original aim. I should have thought of this solution in the first place, so thanks everyone for checking on me

Pieter Bos April 26, 2023 at 9:27 AM
Renaming terminology_code to code_phrase - then we would end up with two code phrases with different attributes, and the same name. That would be very problematic with mapping to json and XML. Could be higher impact than the previous suggestion.
Adding CODE_PHRASE to base would work I think, and sounds like it would make sense to me.
This CR makes no semantic changes to the AOM1.4 meta-model, other than updating the primitive date/time types it assumes, and making its package structure regular. This change allows UML extraction and document building for the AOM1.4 spec to work in the same way as all other specs, rather than the custom way it used to work.
Correct a UML error in which the invariant shown on C_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE should have been on C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE.