Specify the OPT 2 ADL syntax for C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT with child nodes


The ADL 2 grammar does not list how to define a C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT with child nodes in operational templates. Currently two libraries/systems exist that create OPT 2 operational templates: - ADL workbench - Archie ADL workbench uses the syntax:


But it does not have the parser implemented, only the serializer.


Archie uses

What should be done:

- decide on a syntax

- adapt the grammars to allow this

- add a validation so this can only be used in OPT, not in differential archetypes and not in flattened archetypes

- adapt the example of the OPT 2 in the ADL specification to reflect the new syntax

- describe in the OPT 2 specification how the process of substituion should work, if this is not clear enough.

CR fixes the problem in



Thomas Beale November 25, 2023 at 6:01 PM

I’ve been doing some implementation and testing with the proposed way of doing this, i.e. writing matched archetype_id into the C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT.archetype_ref field. Problems I’ve found so far:

  • there is no way to distinguish at node level whether a C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT is in a source form archetype or template. or in an OPT;

  • the existing concept of path extraction (/attr[id-code]/attr[id-code]) doesn't produce valid paths from an OPT, since the id-codes can be from different archetypes down the hierarchy.

Problem 1 can be gotten around by looking at the owning archetype, but that’s reasonably annoying - a better approach might be to have a dedicated attribute in C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT that contains the matched archetype id.

The solution to the second presumably involves defining some more complicated notion of a path, like:

  • /attr[id-code]/attr[id-code, archetype_id]

  • /attr[id-code]/attr[id-code and @archetype_ref = "archetype_id"]

  • /attr[archetype_id::id-code]/attr[archetype_id::id-code]/attr[archetype_id::id-code]

I’d probably favour specifying the last one of these as a reliable path for OPTs. Which kind of implies that the C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT.node_id should have archetype_id::id-code written into it at the root points. If we don’t do this, we should define a path node generator function on C_ARCHETYPE_CONSTRAINT that usually just extracts node_id but for C_ARCHETYPE_ROOTs within OPTs, extracts archetype_ref::node_id.

In any case, the usual path extraction algorithm produces wrong results (i.e. /attr[id-code]/attr[id-code]).

Pieter Bos July 18, 2023 at 6:26 AM

OPT 2 works, as does its JSON and XML serialization. Just this lack of a syntax in ADL means that ADL serialization of OPT 2 is not currently fully specified. And this construction happens in nearly every instance of an OPT.

Thomas Beale July 17, 2023 at 3:39 PM

Just to be clear, you’re saying that OPT2 won’t work because of the syntax i.e. not using 'use_archetype'? Or something else?

Pieter Bos July 12, 2023 at 2:06 PM

This was only discussed in the sec chat on discourse so far. It is a big omission in OPT 2 though, since this is necessary for every OPT including another archetype to work

I’ll try to regenerate the HTML - I think more people will need to be able to do so anyway. I created it as a pull request as a proposal, only to merge after discussion in a call and agreement.

Thomas Beale July 11, 2023 at 10:55 PM

Was this discussed in a SEC call? I’m ok with the change, but are the other implementers? I’ll probably cancel the pull request on the spec if that's the case, because I’ll need to do your change but also add the CR info to the rev hist and regenerate the HTML.

On the question of the validity rule, I don’t think I agree - you might want to define some archetype that just re-uses some other archetype directly - i.e. it’s a pure reuse case, not a slot-filling case.



Raised By

Pieter Bos


Created June 7, 2023 at 12:38 PM
Updated June 6, 2024 at 7:29 AM